Safe Haskell | None |
- getContext :: Idris Context
- forCodegen :: Codegen -> [(Codegen, a)] -> [a]
- getObjectFiles :: Codegen -> Idris [FilePath]
- addObjectFile :: Codegen -> FilePath -> Idris ()
- getLibs :: Codegen -> Idris [String]
- addLib :: Codegen -> String -> Idris ()
- getFlags :: Codegen -> Idris [String]
- addFlag :: Codegen -> String -> Idris ()
- addDyLib :: [String] -> Idris (Either DynamicLib String)
- addHdr :: Codegen -> String -> Idris ()
- addLangExt :: LanguageExt -> Idris ()
- addTrans :: (Term, Term) -> Idris ()
- totcheck :: (FC, Name) -> Idris ()
- defer_totcheck :: (FC, Name) -> Idris ()
- clear_totcheck :: Idris ()
- setFlags :: Name -> [FnOpt] -> Idris ()
- setAccessibility :: Name -> Accessibility -> Idris ()
- setTotality :: Name -> Totality -> Idris ()
- getTotality :: Name -> Idris Totality
- getCoercionsTo :: IState -> Type -> [Name]
- addToCG :: Name -> CGInfo -> Idris ()
- getAllNames :: Name -> Idris [Name]
- allNames :: [Name] -> Name -> Idris [Name]
- addCoercion :: Name -> Idris ()
- addDocStr :: Name -> String -> Idris ()
- addToCalledG :: Name -> [Name] -> Idris ()
- addInstance :: Bool -> Name -> Name -> Idris ()
- addClass :: Name -> ClassInfo -> Idris ()
- addIBC :: IBCWrite -> Idris ()
- clearIBC :: Idris ()
- getHdrs :: Codegen -> Idris [String]
- setErrLine :: Int -> Idris ()
- clearErr :: Idris ()
- getSO :: Idris (Maybe String)
- setSO :: Maybe String -> Idris ()
- getIState :: Idris IState
- putIState :: IState -> Idris ()
- runIO :: IO a -> Idris a
- getName :: Idris Int
- addInternalApp :: FilePath -> Int -> PTerm -> Idris ()
- getInternalApp :: FilePath -> Int -> Idris PTerm
- checkUndefined :: FC -> Name -> Idris ()
- isUndefined :: FC -> Name -> Idris Bool
- setContext :: Context -> Idris ()
- updateContext :: (Context -> Context) -> Idris ()
- addConstraints :: FC -> (Int, [UConstraint]) -> Idris ()
- addDeferred :: [(Name, (Int, Maybe Name, Type, Bool))] -> Idris ()
- addDeferredTyCon :: [(Name, (Int, Maybe Name, Type, Bool))] -> Idris ()
- addDeferred' :: NameType -> [(Name, (Int, Maybe Name, Type, Bool))] -> Idris ()
- solveDeferred :: Name -> Idris ()
- ihPrintResult :: Handle -> String -> Idris ()
- ihPrintError :: Handle -> String -> Idris ()
- ihputStrLn :: Handle -> String -> Idris ()
- iputStrLn :: String -> Idris ()
- iPrintError :: String -> Idris ()
- iPrintResult :: String -> Idris ()
- iWarn :: FC -> String -> Idris ()
- ideslavePutSExp :: SExpable a => String -> a -> Idris ()
- iputGoal :: String -> Idris ()
- isetPrompt :: String -> Idris ()
- ihWarn :: Handle -> FC -> String -> Idris ()
- setLogLevel :: Int -> Idris ()
- setCmdLine :: [Opt] -> Idris ()
- getCmdLine :: Idris [Opt]
- getDumpDefun :: Idris (Maybe FilePath)
- getDumpCases :: Idris (Maybe FilePath)
- logLevel :: Idris Int
- setErrContext :: Bool -> Idris ()
- errContext :: Idris Bool
- useREPL :: Idris Bool
- setREPL :: Bool -> Idris ()
- setNoBanner :: Bool -> Idris ()
- getNoBanner :: Idris Bool
- setQuiet :: Bool -> Idris ()
- getQuiet :: Idris Bool
- setCodegen :: Codegen -> Idris ()
- codegen :: Idris Codegen
- setOutputTy :: OutputType -> Idris ()
- outputTy :: Idris OutputType
- setIdeSlave :: Bool -> Idris ()
- setTargetTriple :: String -> Idris ()
- targetTriple :: Idris String
- setTargetCPU :: String -> Idris ()
- targetCPU :: Idris String
- setOptLevel :: Word -> Idris ()
- optLevel :: Idris Word
- verbose :: Idris Bool
- setVerbose :: Bool -> Idris ()
- typeInType :: Idris Bool
- setTypeInType :: Bool -> Idris ()
- coverage :: Idris Bool
- setCoverage :: Bool -> Idris ()
- setIBCSubDir :: FilePath -> Idris ()
- valIBCSubDir :: IState -> Idris FilePath
- addImportDir :: FilePath -> Idris ()
- setImportDirs :: [FilePath] -> Idris ()
- allImportDirs :: Idris [FilePath]
- colourise :: Idris Bool
- setColourise :: Bool -> Idris ()
- setOutH :: Handle -> Idris ()
- impShow :: Idris Bool
- setImpShow :: Bool -> Idris ()
- setColour :: ColourType -> IdrisColour -> Idris ()
- logLvl :: Int -> String -> Idris ()
- cmdOptType :: Opt -> Idris Bool
- iLOG :: String -> Idris ()
- noErrors :: Idris Bool
- setTypeCase :: Bool -> Idris ()
- bi :: FC
- inferTy :: Name
- inferCon :: Name
- inferDecl :: PData' PTerm
- infTerm :: PTerm -> PTerm
- infP :: TT Name
- getInferTerm :: Term -> Term
- getInferType :: Term -> Term
- primNames :: [Name]
- unitTy :: Name
- unitCon :: Name
- unitDecl :: PData' PTerm
- falseTy :: Name
- falseDecl :: PData' PTerm
- pairTy :: Name
- pairCon :: Name
- pairDecl :: PData' PTerm
- eqTy :: Name
- eqCon :: Name
- eqDecl :: PData' PTerm
- sigmaTy :: Name
- existsCon :: Name
- piBind :: [(Name, PTerm)] -> PTerm -> PTerm
- piBindp :: Plicity -> [(Name, PTerm)] -> PTerm -> PTerm
- expandParams :: (Name -> Name) -> [(Name, PTerm)] -> [Name] -> [Name] -> PTerm -> PTerm
- expandParamsD :: Bool -> IState -> (Name -> Name) -> [(Name, PTerm)] -> [Name] -> PDecl -> PDecl
- mapsnd :: (t -> t2) -> (t1, t) -> (t1, t2)
- getPriority :: IState -> PTerm -> Int
- addStatics :: Name -> Term -> PTerm -> Idris ()
- addUsingConstraints :: SyntaxInfo -> FC -> PTerm -> Idris PTerm
- implicit :: SyntaxInfo -> Name -> PTerm -> Idris PTerm
- implicit' :: SyntaxInfo -> [Name] -> Name -> PTerm -> Idris PTerm
- implicitise :: SyntaxInfo -> [Name] -> IState -> PTerm -> (PTerm, [PArg])
- addImplPat :: IState -> PTerm -> PTerm
- addImplBound :: IState -> [Name] -> PTerm -> PTerm
- addImplBoundInf :: IState -> [Name] -> [Name] -> PTerm -> PTerm
- addImpl :: IState -> PTerm -> PTerm
- addImpl' :: Bool -> [Name] -> [Name] -> IState -> PTerm -> PTerm
- aiFn :: Bool -> Bool -> IState -> FC -> Name -> [PArg] -> Either Err PTerm
- stripLinear :: IState -> PTerm -> PTerm
- stripUnmatchable :: IState -> PTerm -> PTerm
- mkPApp :: FC -> Int -> PTerm -> [PArg] -> PTerm
- findStatics :: IState -> PTerm -> (PTerm, [Bool])
- dumpDecls :: [PDecl] -> String
- dumpDecl :: PDecl' PTerm -> [Char]
- data EitherErr a b
- toEither :: EitherErr a b -> Either a b
- matchClause :: IState -> PTerm -> PTerm -> Either (PTerm, PTerm) [(Name, PTerm)]
- matchClause' :: Bool -> IState -> PTerm -> PTerm -> Either (PTerm, PTerm) [(Name, PTerm)]
- substMatches :: [(Name, PTerm)] -> PTerm -> PTerm
- substMatchesShadow :: [(Name, PTerm)] -> [Name] -> PTerm -> PTerm
- substMatch :: Name -> PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm
- substMatchShadow :: Name -> [Name] -> PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm
- shadow :: Name -> Name -> PTerm -> PTerm
- module Idris.AbsSyntaxTree
forCodegen :: Codegen -> [(Codegen, a)] -> [a]Source
getObjectFiles :: Codegen -> Idris [FilePath]Source
addObjectFile :: Codegen -> FilePath -> Idris ()Source
addLangExt :: LanguageExt -> Idris ()Source
defer_totcheck :: (FC, Name) -> Idris ()Source
clear_totcheck :: Idris ()Source
setAccessibility :: Name -> Accessibility -> Idris ()Source
setTotality :: Name -> Totality -> Idris ()Source
getTotality :: Name -> Idris TotalitySource
getCoercionsTo :: IState -> Type -> [Name]Source
getAllNames :: Name -> Idris [Name]Source
addCoercion :: Name -> Idris ()Source
addToCalledG :: Name -> [Name] -> Idris ()Source
setErrLine :: Int -> Idris ()Source
runIO :: IO a -> Idris aSource
A version of liftIO that puts errors into the exception type of the Idris monad
checkUndefined :: FC -> Name -> Idris ()Source
setContext :: Context -> Idris ()Source
updateContext :: (Context -> Context) -> Idris ()Source
addConstraints :: FC -> (Int, [UConstraint]) -> Idris ()Source
solveDeferred :: Name -> Idris ()Source
ihPrintResult :: Handle -> String -> Idris ()Source
ihPrintError :: Handle -> String -> Idris ()Source
ihputStrLn :: Handle -> String -> Idris ()Source
iPrintError :: String -> Idris ()Source
iPrintResult :: String -> Idris ()Source
ideslavePutSExp :: SExpable a => String -> a -> Idris ()Source
isetPrompt :: String -> Idris ()Source
setLogLevel :: Int -> Idris ()Source
setCmdLine :: [Opt] -> Idris ()Source
getCmdLine :: Idris [Opt]Source
setErrContext :: Bool -> Idris ()Source
setNoBanner :: Bool -> Idris ()Source
setCodegen :: Codegen -> Idris ()Source
setOutputTy :: OutputType -> Idris ()Source
setIdeSlave :: Bool -> Idris ()Source
setTargetTriple :: String -> Idris ()Source
setTargetCPU :: String -> Idris ()Source
setOptLevel :: Word -> Idris ()Source
setVerbose :: Bool -> Idris ()Source
setTypeInType :: Bool -> Idris ()Source
setCoverage :: Bool -> Idris ()Source
setIBCSubDir :: FilePath -> Idris ()Source
addImportDir :: FilePath -> Idris ()Source
setImportDirs :: [FilePath] -> Idris ()Source
setColourise :: Bool -> Idris ()Source
setImpShow :: Bool -> Idris ()Source
setColour :: ColourType -> IdrisColour -> Idris ()Source
cmdOptType :: Opt -> Idris BoolSource
setTypeCase :: Bool -> Idris ()Source
getInferTerm :: Term -> TermSource
getInferType :: Term -> TermSource
expandParamsD :: Bool -> IState -> (Name -> Name) -> [(Name, PTerm)] -> [Name] -> PDecl -> PDeclSource
if it's just a type variable or concrete type, do it early (0)
if there's only type variables and injective constructors, do it next (1)
if there's a function type, next (2)
finally, everything else (3)
getPriority :: IState -> PTerm -> IntSource
addUsingConstraints :: SyntaxInfo -> FC -> PTerm -> Idris PTermSource
implicitise :: SyntaxInfo -> [Name] -> IState -> PTerm -> (PTerm, [PArg])Source
addImplPat :: IState -> PTerm -> PTermSource
stripLinear :: IState -> PTerm -> PTermSource
stripUnmatchable :: IState -> PTerm -> PTermSource
module Idris.AbsSyntaxTree