Safe Haskell | None |
TT is the core language of Idris. The language has:
- Full dependent types
- A hierarchy of universes, with cumulativity: Type : Type1, Type1 : Type2, ...
- Pattern matching letrec binding
- (primitive types defined externally)
Some technical stuff:
- Typechecker is kept as simple as possible - no unification, just a checker for incomplete terms.
- We have a simple collection of tactics which we use to elaborate source programs with implicit syntax into fully explicit terms.
- data Option
- data FC = FC {}
- newtype FC' = FC' {}
- emptyFC :: FC
- fileFC :: String -> FC
- data Err
- = Msg String
- | InternalMsg String
- | CantUnify Bool Term Term Err [(Name, Type)] Int
- | InfiniteUnify Name Term [(Name, Type)]
- | CantConvert Term Term [(Name, Type)]
- | UnifyScope Name Name Term [(Name, Type)]
- | CantInferType String
- | NonFunctionType Term Term
- | CantIntroduce Term
- | NoSuchVariable Name
- | NoTypeDecl Name
- | NotInjective Term Term Term
- | CantResolve Term
- | CantResolveAlts [String]
- | IncompleteTerm Term
- | UniverseError
- | ProgramLineComment
- | Inaccessible Name
- | NonCollapsiblePostulate Name
- | AlreadyDefined Name
- | ProofSearchFail Err
- | NoRewriting Term
- | At FC Err
- | Elaborating String Name Err
- | ProviderError String
- | LoadingFailed String Err
- score :: Err -> Int
- data TC a
- tfail :: Err -> TC a
- trun :: FC -> TC a -> TC a
- discard :: Monad m => m a -> m ()
- showSep :: String -> [String] -> String
- pmap :: (t -> t1) -> (t, t) -> (t1, t1)
- traceWhen :: Bool -> String -> a -> a
- data Name
- data SpecialName
- showCG :: Name -> String
- type Ctxt a = Map Name (Map Name a)
- emptyContext :: Map k a
- tcname :: Name -> Bool
- implicitable :: Name -> Bool
- nsroot :: Name -> Name
- addDef :: Name -> a -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt a
- lookupCtxtName :: Name -> Ctxt a -> [(Name, a)]
- lookupCtxt :: Name -> Ctxt a -> [a]
- lookupCtxtExact :: Name -> Ctxt a -> [a]
- updateDef :: Name -> (a -> a) -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt a
- toAlist :: Ctxt a -> [(Name, a)]
- addAlist :: Show a => [(Name, a)] -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt a
- data NativeTy
- data IntTy
- data ArithTy
- nativeTyWidth :: NativeTy -> Int
- intTyWidth :: IntTy -> Int
- data Const
- data Raw
- data Binder b
- fmapMB :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Binder a -> m (Binder b)
- raw_apply :: Raw -> [Raw] -> Raw
- raw_unapply :: Raw -> (Raw, [Raw])
- data RawFun = RawFun {}
- data RawDatatype = RDatatype Name Raw [(Name, Raw)]
- data RDef
- type RProgram = [(Name, RDef)]
- data UExp
- data UConstraint
- type UCs = (Int, [UConstraint])
- data NameType
- data TT n
- class TermSize a where
- type EnvTT n = [(n, Binder (TT n))]
- data Datatype n = Data {}
- isInjective :: TT n -> Bool
- vinstances :: Int -> TT n -> Int
- instantiate :: TT n -> TT n -> TT n
- substV :: TT n -> TT n -> TT n
- explicitNames :: TT n -> TT n
- pToV :: Eq n => n -> TT n -> TT n
- pToV' :: Eq n => n -> Int -> TT n -> TT n
- addBinder :: TT n -> TT n
- pToVs :: Eq n => [n] -> TT n -> TT n
- vToP :: TT n -> TT n
- finalise :: Eq n => TT n -> TT n
- subst :: Eq n => n -> TT n -> TT n -> TT n
- substNames :: Eq n => [(n, TT n)] -> TT n -> TT n
- substTerm :: Eq n => TT n -> TT n -> TT n -> TT n
- noOccurrence :: Eq n => n -> TT n -> Bool
- freeNames :: Eq n => TT n -> [n]
- arity :: TT n -> Int
- unApply :: TT n -> (TT n, [TT n])
- mkApp :: TT n -> [TT n] -> TT n
- forget :: TT Name -> Raw
- bindAll :: [(n, Binder (TT n))] -> TT n -> TT n
- bindTyArgs :: (TT n -> Binder (TT n)) -> [(n, TT n)] -> TT n -> TT n
- getArgTys :: TT n -> [(n, TT n)]
- getRetTy :: TT n -> TT n
- uniqueName :: Name -> [Name] -> Name
- uniqueBinders :: [Name] -> TT Name -> TT Name
- nextName :: Name -> Name
- type Term = TT Name
- type Type = Term
- type Env = EnvTT Name
- newtype WkEnvTT n = Wk (EnvTT n)
- type WkEnv = WkEnvTT Name
- itBitsName :: NativeTy -> [Char]
- showEnv :: (Eq a, Show a) => [(a, Binder (TT a))] -> TT a -> [Char]
- showEnvDbg :: (Eq a, Show a) => [(a, Binder (TT a))] -> TT a -> [Char]
- prettyEnv :: (Eq a, Show a, Pretty a) => [(a, Binder (TT a))] -> TT a -> Doc
- showEnv' :: (Eq a, Show a) => [(a, Binder (TT a))] -> TT a -> Bool -> [Char]
- pureTerm :: TT Name -> Bool
- weakenTm :: Int -> TT n -> TT n
- weakenEnv :: EnvTT n -> EnvTT n
- weakenTmEnv :: Int -> EnvTT n -> EnvTT n
- orderPats :: Term -> Term
Names are hierarchies of strings, describing scope (so no danger of duplicate names, but need to be careful on lookup).
UN String | User-provided name |
NS Name [String] | Root, namespaces |
MN Int String | Machine chosen names |
NErased | Name of somethng which is never used in scope |
SN SpecialName | Decorated function names |
data SpecialName Source
type Ctxt a = Map Name (Map Name a)Source
Contexts allow us to map names to things. A root name maps to a collection of things in different namespaces with that name.
emptyContext :: Map k aSource
implicitable :: Name -> BoolSource
lookupCtxtName :: Name -> Ctxt a -> [(Name, a)]Source
Look up a name in the context, given an optional namespace. The name (n) may itself have a (partial) namespace given.
Rules for resolution:
- if an explicit namespace is given, return the names which match it. If none match, return all names.
- if the name has has explicit namespace given, return the names which match it and ignore the given namespace.
- otherwise, return all names.
lookupCtxt :: Name -> Ctxt a -> [a]Source
lookupCtxtExact :: Name -> Ctxt a -> [a]Source
nativeTyWidth :: NativeTy -> IntSource
intTyWidth :: IntTy -> IntSource
Deprecated: Non-total function, use nativeTyWidth and appropriate casing
All binding forms are represented in a unform fashion.
Lam | |
| |
Pi | |
| |
Let | |
NLet | |
Hole | |
| |
GHole | |
Guess | |
PVar | |
| |
PVTy | |
raw_unapply :: Raw -> (Raw, [Raw])Source
Universe expressions for universe checking
type UCs = (Int, [UConstraint])Source
Terms in the core language
P NameType n (TT n) | named references |
V Int | a resolved de Bruijn-indexed variable |
Bind n (Binder (TT n)) (TT n) | a binding |
App (TT n) (TT n) | function, function type, arg |
Constant Const | constant |
Proj (TT n) Int | argument projection; runtime only (-1) is a special case for 'subtract one from BI' |
Erased | an erased term |
Impossible | special case for totality checking |
TType UExp | the type of types at some level |
Functor TT | |
Binary CaseAlt | |
Binary SC | |
TermSize CaseAlt | |
TermSize SC | |
Transform CaseAlt | |
Transform SC | |
ToIR SC | |
Eq n => Eq (TT n) | |
Ord n => Ord (TT n) | |
(Eq n, Show n) => Show (TT n) | |
Binary (TT Name) | |
NFData n => NFData (TT n) | |
Pretty a => Pretty (TT a) | |
Sized a => Sized (TT a) | |
TermSize (TT Name) | |
Optimisable (TT Name) | |
Transform (TT Name) | |
ToIR (TT Name) | |
ToIR ([Name], SC) |
A few handy operations on well typed terms:
isInjective :: TT n -> BoolSource
A term is injective iff it is a data constructor, type constructor, constant, the type Type, pi-binding, or an application of an injective term.
vinstances :: Int -> TT n -> IntSource
Count the number of instances of a de Bruijn index in a term
instantiate :: TT n -> TT n -> TT nSource
explicitNames :: TT n -> TT nSource
noOccurrence :: Eq n => n -> TT n -> BoolSource
unApply :: TT n -> (TT n, [TT n])Source
Deconstruct an application; returns the function and a list of arguments
uniqueName :: Name -> [Name] -> NameSource
itBitsName :: NativeTy -> [Char]Source
weakenTm :: Int -> TT n -> TT nSource
Weaken a term by adding i to each de Bruijn index (i.e. lift it over i bindings)
weakenEnv :: EnvTT n -> EnvTT nSource
Weaken an environment so that all the de Bruijn indices are correct according to the latest bound variable
weakenTmEnv :: Int -> EnvTT n -> EnvTT nSource