
Safe HaskellNone




allowImp :: SyntaxInfo -> SyntaxInfoSource

Allow implicit type declarations

disallowImp :: SyntaxInfo -> SyntaxInfoSource

Disallow implicit type declarations

fullExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses an expression as a whole

  FullExpr ::= Expr EOF_t;

expr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses an expression

  Expr ::= Expr';

expr' :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses either an internally defined expression or a user-defined one

Expr' ::=  External (User-defined) Syntax
      |   InternalExpr;

externalExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a user-defined expression

simpleExternalExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a simple user-defined expression

extensions :: SyntaxInfo -> [Syntax] -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Tries to parse a user-defined expression given a list of syntactic extensions

data SynMatch Source


SynTm PTerm 
SynBind Name 

extension :: SyntaxInfo -> Syntax -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Tries to parse an expression given a user-defined rule

internalExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a (normal) built-in expression

InternalExpr ::=
  | MatchApp
  | UnifyLog
  | RecordType
  | SimpleExpr
  | Lambda
  | QuoteGoal
  | Let
  | RewriteTerm
  | Pi
  | DoBlock

caseExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a case expression

CaseExpr ::=
  'case' Expr 'of' OpenBlock CaseOption+ CloseBlock;

caseOption :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser (PTerm, PTerm)Source

Parses a case in a case expression

CaseOption ::=
  Expr '=>' Expr Terminator

proofExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a proof block ProofExpr ::= proof OpenBlock Tactic'* CloseBlock ;

tacticsExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a tactics block

TacticsExpr :=
  tactics OpenBlock Tactic'* CloseBlock

simpleExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a simple expression

SimpleExpr ::=
  '![' Term ']'
  | ? Name
  | % 'instance'
  | refl ('{' Expr '}')?
  | ProofExpr
  | TacticsExpr
  | CaseExpr
  | FnName
  | List
  | Comprehension
  | Alt
  | Idiom
  | '(' Bracketed
  | Constant
  | Type
  | '_|_'
  | '_'

bracketed :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses the rest of an expression in braces

Bracketed ::=
  | Expr ')'
  | ExprList ')'
  | Expr ** Expr ')'
  | Operator Expr ')'
  | Expr Operator ')'
  | Name : Expr ** Expr ')'

modifyConst :: SyntaxInfo -> FC -> PTerm -> PTermSource

Finds optimal type for integer constant

listExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a list literal expression e.g. [1,2,3]

ListExpr ::=
  '[' ExprList? ']'
ExprList ::=
  | Expr ',' ExprList

alt :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses an alternative expression

  Alt ::= '(|' Expr_List '|)';

Expr_List ::=
    | Expr' ',' Expr_List

hsimpleExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a possibly hidden simple expression

HSimpleExpr ::=
  . SimpleExpr
  | SimpleExpr

matchApp :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a matching application expression

MatchApp ::=
  SimpleExpr <== FnName

unifyLog :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a unification log expression

UnifyLog ::=
  % unifyLog SimpleExpr

noImplicits :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a no implicits expression

NoImplicits ::=
  % noImplicits SimpleExpr

app :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a function application expression

App ::=
  mkForeign Arg Arg*
  | SimpleExpr Arg+

arg :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PArgSource

Parses a function argument

Arg ::=
  | ConstraintArg
  | SimpleExpr

implicitArg :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PArgSource

Parses an implicit function argument

ImplicitArg ::=
  '{' Name ('=' Expr)? '}'

constraintArg :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PArgSource

Parses a constraint argument (for selecting a named type class instance)

    ConstraintArg ::=
      '@{' Expr '}'

recordType :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a record field setter expression

RecordType ::=
  record '{' FieldTypeList '}';
FieldTypeList ::=
  | FieldType ',' FieldTypeList
FieldType ::=
  FnName '=' Expr

mkType :: Name -> NameSource

Creates setters for record types on necessary functions

typeExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a type signature

TypeSig ::=
  : Expr
TypeExpr ::= ConstraintList? Expr;

lambda :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a lambda expression Lambda ::= \\ TypeOptDeclList '=>' Expr | \\ SimpleExprList '=>' Expr ;

SimpleExprList ::=
  | SimpleExpr ',' SimpleExprList

rewriteTerm :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a term rewrite expression

RewriteTerm ::=
  rewrite Expr (==> Expr)? 'in' Expr

let_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a let binding

Let ::=
  'let' Name TypeSig'? '=' Expr  'in' Expr
| 'let' Expr'          '=' Expr' 'in' Expr

TypeSig' ::=
  : Expr'

quoteGoal :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a quote goal

QuoteGoal ::=
  quoteGoal Name by Expr 'in' Expr

pi :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a dependent type signature

Pi ::=
    '|'? Static? '('           TypeDeclList ')' DocComment '->' Expr
  | '|'? Static? '{'           TypeDeclList '}'            '->' Expr
  |              '{' auto    TypeDeclList '}'            '->' Expr
  |              '{' 'default' TypeDeclList '}'            '->' Expr

constraintList :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PTerm]Source

Parses a type constraint list

ConstraintList ::=
    '(' Expr_List ')' '=>'
  | Expr              '=>'

typeDeclList :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [(Name, PTerm)]Source

Parses a type declaration list

TypeDeclList ::=
  | NameList TypeSig
FunctionSignatureList ::=
    Name TypeSig
  | Name TypeSig ',' FunctionSignatureList

tyOptDeclList :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [(Name, PTerm)]Source

Parses a type declaration list with optional parameters

TypeOptDeclList ::=
    NameOrPlaceholder TypeSig?
  | NameOrPlaceholder TypeSig? ',' TypeOptDeclList
NameOrPlaceHolder ::= Name | '_';

comprehension :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a list comprehension

Comprehension ::= '[' Expr '|' DoList ']';
DoList ::=
  | Do ',' DoList

doBlock :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses a do-block

Do' ::= Do KeepTerminator;
DoBlock ::=
  'do' OpenBlock Do'+ CloseBlock

do_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDoSource

Parses an expression inside a do block

Do ::=
    'let' Name  TypeSig'?      '=' Expr
  | 'let' Expr'                '=' Expr
  | Name  '<-' Expr
  | Expr' '<-' Expr
  | Expr

idiom :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTermSource

Parses an expression in idiom brackets

Idiom ::= '[|' Expr '|]';

constant :: IdrisParser ConstSource

Parses a constant or literal expression

Constant ::=
  | Int
  | Char
  | Float
  | String
  | Ptr
  | Bits8
  | Bits16
  | Bits32
  | Bits64
  | Bits8x16
  | Bits16x8
  | Bits32x4
  | Bits64x2
  | Float_t
  | Natural_t
  | String_t
  | Char_t

static :: IdrisParser StaticSource

Parses a static modifier

Static ::=
  '[' static ']'

tactic :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTacticSource

Parses a tactic script

Tactic ::= intro NameList?
       |   intros
       |   refine      Name Imp+
       |   mrefine     Name
       |   rewrite     Expr
       |   equiv       Expr
       |   'let'         Name : Expr' '=' Expr
       |   'let'         Name           '=' Expr
       |   focus       Name
       |   exact       Expr
       |   applyTactic Expr
       |   reflect     Expr
       |   fill        Expr
       |   try         Tactic '|' Tactic
       |   '{' TacticSeq '}'
       |   compute
       |   trivial
       |   solve
       |   attack
       |   state
       |   term
       |   undo
       |   qed
       |   abandon
       |   : q

Imp ::= ? | '_';

TacticSeq ::=
    Tactic ';' Tactic
  | Tactic ';' TacticSeq

fullTactic :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTacticSource

Parses a tactic as a whole