module Idris.ParseExpr where
import Prelude hiding (pi)
import Text.Trifecta.Delta
import Text.Trifecta hiding (span, stringLiteral, charLiteral, natural, symbol, char, string, whiteSpace)
import Text.Parser.LookAhead
import Text.Parser.Expression
import qualified Text.Parser.Token as Tok
import qualified Text.Parser.Char as Chr
import qualified Text.Parser.Token.Highlight as Hi
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.ParseHelpers
import Idris.ParseOps
import Idris.DSL
import Core.TT
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.List.Split as Spl
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import Debug.Trace
allowImp :: SyntaxInfo -> SyntaxInfo
allowImp syn = syn { implicitAllowed = True }
disallowImp :: SyntaxInfo -> SyntaxInfo
disallowImp syn = syn { implicitAllowed = False }
fullExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
fullExpr syn = do x <- expr syn
i <- get
return $ debindApp syn (desugar syn i x)
expr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
expr syn = do i <- get
buildExpressionParser (table (idris_infixes i)) (expr' syn)
expr' :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
expr' syn = try (externalExpr syn)
<|> internalExpr syn
<?> "expression"
externalExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
externalExpr syn = do i <- get
extensions syn (syntax_rules i)
<?> "user-defined expression"
simpleExternalExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
simpleExternalExpr syn = do i <- get
extensions syn (filter isSimple (syntax_rules i))
isSimple (Rule (Expr x:xs) _ _) = False
isSimple (Rule (SimpleExpr x:xs) _ _) = False
isSimple (Rule [Keyword _] _ _) = True
isSimple (Rule [Symbol _] _ _) = True
isSimple (Rule (_:xs) _ _) = case last xs of
Keyword _ -> True
Symbol _ -> True
_ -> False
isSimple _ = False
extensions :: SyntaxInfo -> [Syntax] -> IdrisParser PTerm
extensions syn rules = choice (map (try . extension syn) (filter isValid rules))
<?> "user-defined expression"
isValid :: Syntax -> Bool
isValid (Rule _ _ AnySyntax) = True
isValid (Rule _ _ PatternSyntax) = inPattern syn
isValid (Rule _ _ TermSyntax) = not (inPattern syn)
data SynMatch = SynTm PTerm | SynBind Name
extension :: SyntaxInfo -> Syntax -> IdrisParser PTerm
extension syn (Rule ssym ptm _)
= do smap <- mapM extensionSymbol ssym
let ns = mapMaybe id smap
return (update ns ptm)
extensionSymbol :: SSymbol -> IdrisParser (Maybe (Name, SynMatch))
extensionSymbol (Keyword n) = do reserved (show n); return Nothing
extensionSymbol (Expr n) = do tm <- expr syn
return $ Just (n, SynTm tm)
extensionSymbol (SimpleExpr n) = do tm <- simpleExpr syn
return $ Just (n, SynTm tm)
extensionSymbol (Binding n) = do b <- name
return $ Just (n, SynBind b)
extensionSymbol (Symbol s) = do symbol s
return Nothing
dropn :: Name -> [(Name, a)] -> [(Name, a)]
dropn n [] = []
dropn n ((x,t) : xs) | n == x = xs
| otherwise = (x,t):dropn n xs
updateB :: [(Name, SynMatch)] -> Name -> Name
updateB ns n = case lookup n ns of
Just (SynBind t) -> t
_ -> n
update :: [(Name, SynMatch)] -> PTerm -> PTerm
update ns (PRef fc n) = case lookup n ns of
Just (SynTm t) -> t
_ -> PRef fc n
update ns (PLam n ty sc) = PLam (updateB ns n) (update ns ty) (update (dropn n ns) sc)
update ns (PPi p n ty sc) = PPi p (updateB ns n) (update ns ty) (update (dropn n ns) sc)
update ns (PLet n ty val sc) = PLet (updateB ns n) (update ns ty) (update ns val)
(update (dropn n ns) sc)
update ns (PApp fc t args) = PApp fc (update ns t) (map (fmap (update ns)) args)
update ns (PAppBind fc t args) = PAppBind fc (update ns t) (map (fmap (update ns)) args)
update ns (PCase fc c opts) = PCase fc (update ns c) (map (pmap (update ns)) opts)
update ns (PPair fc l r) = PPair fc (update ns l) (update ns r)
update ns (PDPair fc l t r) = PDPair fc (update ns l) (update ns t) (update ns r)
update ns (PAlternative a as) = PAlternative a (map (update ns) as)
update ns (PHidden t) = PHidden (update ns t)
update ns (PDoBlock ds) = PDoBlock $ upd ns ds
where upd :: [(Name, SynMatch)] -> [PDo] -> [PDo]
upd ns (DoExp fc t : ds) = DoExp fc (update ns t) : upd ns ds
upd ns (DoBind fc n t : ds) = DoBind fc n (update ns t) : upd (dropn n ns) ds
upd ns (DoLet fc n ty t : ds) = DoLet fc n (update ns ty) (update ns t)
: upd (dropn n ns) ds
upd ns (DoBindP fc i t : ds) = DoBindP fc (update ns i) (update ns t)
: upd ns ds
upd ns (DoLetP fc i t : ds) = DoLetP fc (update ns i) (update ns t)
: upd ns ds
update ns (PGoal fc r n sc) = PGoal fc (update ns r) n (update ns sc)
update ns t = t
internalExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
internalExpr syn =
try (app syn)
<|> try (matchApp syn)
<|> try (unifyLog syn)
<|> try (noImplicits syn)
<|> recordType syn
<|> lambda syn
<|> quoteGoal syn
<|> let_ syn
<|> rewriteTerm syn
<|> try(pi syn)
<|> doBlock syn
<|> simpleExpr syn
<?> "expression"
caseExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
caseExpr syn = do reserved "case"; fc <- getFC
scr <- expr syn; reserved "of";
opts <- indentedBlock1 (caseOption syn)
return (PCase fc scr opts)
<?> "case expression"
caseOption :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser (PTerm, PTerm)
caseOption syn = do lhs <- expr (syn { inPattern = True })
symbol "=>"; r <- expr syn
return (lhs, r)
<?> "case option"
proofExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
proofExpr syn = do reserved "proof"
ts <- indentedBlock (tactic syn)
return $ PProof ts
<?> "proof block"
tacticsExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
tacticsExpr syn = do reserved "tactics"
ts <- indentedBlock (tactic syn)
return $ PTactics ts
<?> "tactics block"
simpleExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
simpleExpr syn =
do x <- try (lchar '?' *> name); return (PMetavar x)
<|> do lchar '%'; fc <- getFC; reserved "instance"; return (PResolveTC fc)
<|> do reserved "refl"; fc <- getFC;
tm <- option Placeholder (do lchar '{'; t <- expr syn; lchar '}';
return t)
return (PRefl fc tm)
<|> proofExpr syn
<|> tacticsExpr syn
<|> caseExpr syn
<|> do reserved "Type"; return PType
<|> do c <- constant
fc <- getFC
return (modifyConst syn fc (PConstant c))
<|> do fc <- getFC
x <- fnName
return (PRef fc x)
<|> try (listExpr syn)
<|> try (comprehension syn)
<|> alt syn
<|> idiom syn
<|> do lchar '!'
s <- simpleExpr syn
fc <- getFC
return (PAppBind fc s [])
<|> do lchar '('
bracketed (disallowImp syn)
<|> do symbol "_|_"
fc <- getFC
return (PFalse fc)
<|> do lchar '_'; return Placeholder
<|> simpleExternalExpr syn
<?> "expression"
bracketed :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
bracketed syn =
do lchar ')'
fc <- getFC
return $ PTrue fc
try (do l <- expr syn
lchar ')'
return l)
<|> do (l, fc) <- try (do
l <- expr syn
fc <- getFC
lchar ','
return (l, fc))
rs <- sepBy1 (do fc' <- getFC; r <- expr syn; return (r, fc')) (lchar ',')
lchar ')'
return $ PPair fc l (mergePairs rs)
<|> do (l, fc) <- try (do
l <- expr syn
fc <- getFC
reservedOp "**"
return (l, fc))
r <- expr syn
lchar ')'
return (PDPair fc l Placeholder r)
<|> try(do fc0 <- getFC
l <- expr' syn
o <- operator
lchar ')'
return $ PLam (MN 1000 "ARG") Placeholder
(PApp fc0 (PRef fc0 (UN o)) [pexp l,
pexp (PRef fc0 (MN 1000 "ARG"))]))
<|> try(do fc <- getFC; o <- operator; e <- expr syn; lchar ')'
return $ PLam (MN 1000 "ARG") Placeholder
(PApp fc (PRef fc (UN o)) [pexp (PRef fc (MN 1000 "ARG")),
pexp e]))
<|> try (do ln <- name; lchar ':'
lty <- expr syn
reservedOp "**"
fc <- getFC
r <- expr syn
lchar ')'
return (PDPair fc (PRef fc ln) lty r))
<?> "end of braced expression"
where mergePairs :: [(PTerm, FC)] -> PTerm
mergePairs [(t, fc)] = t
mergePairs ((t, fc):rs) = PPair fc t (mergePairs rs)
modifyConst :: SyntaxInfo -> FC -> PTerm -> PTerm
modifyConst syn fc (PConstant (BI x))
| not (inPattern syn)
= PAlternative False
(PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "fromInteger")) [pexp (PConstant (BI (fromInteger x)))]
: consts)
| otherwise = PAlternative False consts
consts = [ PConstant (BI x)
, PConstant (I (fromInteger x))
, PConstant (B8 (fromInteger x))
, PConstant (B16 (fromInteger x))
, PConstant (B32 (fromInteger x))
, PConstant (B64 (fromInteger x))
modifyConst syn fc x = x
listExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
listExpr syn = do lchar '['; fc <- getFC; xs <- sepBy (expr syn) (lchar ','); lchar ']'
return (mkList fc xs)
<?> "list expression"
mkList :: FC -> [PTerm] -> PTerm
mkList fc [] = PRef fc (UN "Nil")
mkList fc (x : xs) = PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "::")) [pexp x, pexp (mkList fc xs)]
alt :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
alt syn = do symbol "(|"; alts <- sepBy1 (expr' syn) (lchar ','); symbol "|)"
return (PAlternative False alts)
hsimpleExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
hsimpleExpr syn =
do lchar '.'
e <- simpleExpr syn
return $ PHidden e
<|> simpleExpr syn
<?> "expression"
matchApp :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
matchApp syn = do ty <- simpleExpr syn
symbol "<=="
fc <- getFC
f <- fnName
return (PLet (MN 0 "match")
(PMatchApp fc f)
(PRef fc (MN 0 "match")))
<?> "matching application expression"
unifyLog :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
unifyLog syn = do lchar '%'; reserved "unifyLog";
tm <- simpleExpr syn
return (PUnifyLog tm)
<?> "unification log expression"
noImplicits :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
noImplicits syn = do lchar '%'; reserved "noImplicits";
tm <- simpleExpr syn
return (PNoImplicits tm)
<?> "no implicits expression"
app :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
app syn = do f <- reserved "mkForeign"
fc <- getFC
fn <- arg syn
args <- many (do notEndApp; arg syn)
i <- get
let ap = PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "liftPrimIO"))
[pexp (PLam (MN 0 "w")
(PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "mkForeignPrim"))
(fn : args ++
[pexp (PRef fc (MN 0 "w"))])))]
return (dslify i ap)
<|> do f <- simpleExpr syn
fc <- getFC
args <- some (do notEndApp; arg syn)
i <- get
return (dslify i (PApp fc f args))
<?> "function application"
dslify :: IState -> PTerm -> PTerm
dslify i (PApp fc (PRef _ f) [a])
| [d] <- lookupCtxt f (idris_dsls i)
= desugar (syn { dsl_info = d }) i (getTm a)
dslify i t = t
arg :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PArg
arg syn = implicitArg syn
<|> constraintArg syn
<|> do e <- simpleExpr syn
return (pexp e)
<?> "function argument"
implicitArg :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PArg
implicitArg syn = do lchar '{'
n <- name
fc <- getFC
v <- option (PRef fc n) (do lchar '='
expr syn)
lchar '}'
return (pimp n v False)
<?> "implicit function argument"
constraintArg :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PArg
constraintArg syn = do symbol "@{"
e <- expr syn
symbol "}"
return (pconst e)
<?> "constraint argument"
recordType :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
recordType syn
= do reserved "record"
lchar '{'
fields <- sepBy1 fieldType (lchar ',')
lchar '}'
fc <- getFC
rec <- optional (simpleExpr syn)
case rec of
Nothing ->
return (PLam (MN 0 "fldx") Placeholder
(applyAll fc fields (PRef fc (MN 0 "fldx"))))
Just v -> return (applyAll fc fields v)
<?> "record setting expression"
where fieldType :: IdrisParser (Name, PTerm)
fieldType = do n <- fnName
lchar '='
e <- expr syn
return (n, e)
<?> "field setter"
applyAll :: FC -> [(Name, PTerm)] -> PTerm -> PTerm
applyAll fc [] x = x
applyAll fc ((n, e) : es) x
= applyAll fc es (PApp fc (PRef fc (mkType n)) [pexp e, pexp x])
mkType :: Name -> Name
mkType (UN n) = UN ("set_" ++ n)
mkType (MN 0 n) = MN 0 ("set_" ++ n)
mkType (NS n s) = NS (mkType n) s
typeExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
typeExpr syn = do cs <- if implicitAllowed syn then constraintList syn else return []
sc <- expr syn
return (bindList (PPi constraint) (map (\x -> (MN 0 "c", x)) cs) sc)
<?> "type signature"
lambda :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
lambda syn = do lchar '\\'
try (do xt <- tyOptDeclList syn
symbol "=>"
sc <- expr syn
return (bindList PLam xt sc)
<|> (do ps <- sepBy (do fc <- getFC
e <- simpleExpr syn
return (fc, e)) (lchar ',')
symbol "=>"
sc <- expr syn
return (pmList (zip [0..] ps) sc)))
<?> "lambda expression"
where pmList :: [(Int, (FC, PTerm))] -> PTerm -> PTerm
pmList [] sc = sc
pmList ((i, (fc, x)) : xs) sc
= PLam (MN i "lamp") Placeholder
(PCase fc (PRef fc (MN i "lamp"))
[(x, pmList xs sc)])
rewriteTerm :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
rewriteTerm syn = do reserved "rewrite"
fc <- getFC
prf <- expr syn
giving <- optional (do symbol "==>"; expr' syn)
reserved "in"; sc <- expr syn
return (PRewrite fc
(PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "sym")) [pexp prf]) sc
<?> "term rewrite expression"
let_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
let_ syn = try (do reserved "let"; n <- name;
ty <- option Placeholder (do lchar ':'; expr' syn)
lchar '='
v <- expr syn
reserved "in"; sc <- expr syn
return (PLet n ty v sc))
<|> (do reserved "let"; fc <- getFC; pat <- expr' (syn { inPattern = True } )
symbol "="; v <- expr syn
reserved "in"; sc <- expr syn
return (PCase fc v [(pat, sc)]))
<?> "let binding"
quoteGoal :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
quoteGoal syn = do reserved "quoteGoal"; n <- name;
reserved "by"
r <- expr syn
reserved "in"
fc <- getFC
sc <- expr syn
return (PGoal fc r n sc)
<?> "quote goal expression"
pi :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
pi syn =
do lazy <- if implicitAllowed syn
then option False (do lchar '|'; return True)
else return False
st <- static
(do try(lchar '('); xt <- typeDeclList syn; lchar ')'
doc <- option "" (docComment '^')
symbol "->"
sc <- expr syn
return (bindList (PPi (Exp lazy st doc False)) xt sc)) <|> (do
lchar '{'
(do reserved "auto"
when (lazy || (st == Static)) $ fail "auto type constraints can not be lazy or static"
xt <- typeDeclList syn
lchar '}'
symbol "->"
sc <- expr syn
return (bindList (PPi
(TacImp False Dynamic (PTactics [Trivial]) "")) xt sc))
<|> (do
reserved "default"
when (lazy || (st == Static)) $ fail "default tactic constraints can not be lazy or static"
script <- simpleExpr syn
xt <- typeDeclList syn
lchar '}'
symbol "->"
sc <- expr syn
return (bindList (PPi (TacImp False Dynamic script "")) xt sc))
<|> (if implicitAllowed syn then do
xt <- typeDeclList syn
lchar '}'
symbol "->"
sc <- expr syn
return (bindList (PPi (Imp lazy st "" False)) xt sc)
else do fail "no implicit arguments allowed here"))
<?> "dependent type signature"
constraintList :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PTerm]
constraintList syn = try (do lchar '('
tys <- sepBy1 (expr' (disallowImp syn)) (lchar ',')
lchar ')'
reservedOp "=>"
return tys)
<|> try (do t <- expr (disallowImp syn)
reservedOp "=>"
return [t])
<|> return []
<?> "type constraint list"
typeDeclList :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [(Name, PTerm)]
typeDeclList syn = try (sepBy1 (do x <- fnName
lchar ':'
t <- typeExpr (disallowImp syn)
return (x,t))
(lchar ','))
<|> do ns <- sepBy1 name (lchar ',')
lchar ':'
t <- typeExpr (disallowImp syn)
return (map (\x -> (x, t)) ns)
<?> "type declaration list"
tyOptDeclList :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [(Name, PTerm)]
tyOptDeclList syn = sepBy1 (do x <- nameOrPlaceholder
t <- option Placeholder (do lchar ':'
expr syn)
return (x,t))
(lchar ',')
<?> "type declaration list"
where nameOrPlaceholder :: IdrisParser Name
nameOrPlaceholder = fnName
<|> do symbol "_"
return (MN 0 "underscore")
<?> "name or placeholder"
comprehension :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
comprehension syn
= do lchar '['
fc <- getFC
pat <- expr syn
lchar '|'
qs <- sepBy1 (do_ syn) (lchar ',')
lchar ']'
return (PDoBlock (map addGuard qs ++
[DoExp fc (PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "return"))
[pexp pat])]))
<?> "list comprehension"
where addGuard :: PDo -> PDo
addGuard (DoExp fc e) = DoExp fc (PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "guard"))
[pexp e])
addGuard x = x
doBlock :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
doBlock syn
= do reserved "do"
ds <- indentedBlock (do_ syn)
return (PDoBlock ds)
<?> "do block"
do_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDo
do_ syn
= try (do reserved "let"
i <- name
ty <- option Placeholder (do lchar ':'
expr' syn)
reservedOp "="
fc <- getFC
e <- expr syn
return (DoLet fc i ty e))
<|> try (do reserved "let"
i <- expr' syn
reservedOp "="
fc <- getFC
sc <- expr syn
return (DoLetP fc i sc))
<|> try (do i <- name
symbol "<-"
fc <- getFC
e <- expr syn;
return (DoBind fc i e))
<|> try (do i <- expr' syn
symbol "<-"
fc <- getFC
e <- expr syn;
return (DoBindP fc i e))
<|> do e <- expr syn
fc <- getFC
return (DoExp fc e)
<?> "do block expression"
idiom :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
idiom syn
= do symbol "[|"
fc <- getFC
e <- expr syn
symbol "|]"
return (PIdiom fc e)
<?> "expression in idiom brackets"
constant :: IdrisParser Core.TT.Const
constant = do reserved "Integer";return (AType (ATInt ITBig))
<|> do reserved "Int"; return (AType (ATInt ITNative))
<|> do reserved "Char"; return (AType (ATInt ITChar))
<|> do reserved "Float"; return (AType ATFloat)
<|> do reserved "String"; return StrType
<|> do reserved "Ptr"; return PtrType
<|> do reserved "Bits8"; return (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT8)))
<|> do reserved "Bits16"; return (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT16)))
<|> do reserved "Bits32"; return (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT32)))
<|> do reserved "Bits64"; return (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT64)))
<|> do reserved "Bits8x16"; return (AType (ATInt (ITVec IT8 16)))
<|> do reserved "Bits16x8"; return (AType (ATInt (ITVec IT16 8)))
<|> do reserved "Bits32x4"; return (AType (ATInt (ITVec IT32 4)))
<|> do reserved "Bits64x2"; return (AType (ATInt (ITVec IT64 2)))
<|> try (do f <- float; return $ Fl f)
<|> try (do i <- natural; return $ BI i)
<|> try (do s <- stringLiteral; return $ Str s)
<|> try (do c <- charLiteral; return $ Ch c)
<?> "constant or literal"
static :: IdrisParser Static
static = do lchar '['; reserved "static"; lchar ']'; return Static
<|> return Dynamic
<?> "static modifier"
tactic :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTactic
tactic syn = do reserved "intro"; ns <- sepBy (indentPropHolds gtProp *> name) (lchar ',')
return $ Intro ns
<|> do reserved "intros"; return Intros
<|> try (do reserved "refine"; n <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> name)
imps <- some imp
return $ Refine n imps)
<|> do reserved "refine"; n <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> name)
i <- get
return $ Refine n []
<|> do reserved "mrefine"; n <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> name)
i <- get
return $ MatchRefine n
<|> do reserved "rewrite"; t <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> expr syn);
i <- get
return $ Rewrite (desugar syn i t)
<|> do reserved "equiv"; t <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> expr syn);
i <- get
return $ Equiv (desugar syn i t)
<|> try (do reserved "let"; n <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> name); (indentPropHolds gtProp *> lchar ':');
ty <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> expr' syn); (indentPropHolds gtProp *> lchar '='); t <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> expr syn);
i <- get
return $ LetTacTy n (desugar syn i ty) (desugar syn i t))
<|> try (do reserved "let"; n <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> name); (indentPropHolds gtProp *> lchar '=');
t <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> expr syn);
i <- get
return $ LetTac n (desugar syn i t))
<|> do reserved "focus"; n <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> name)
return $ Focus n
<|> do reserved "exact"; t <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> expr syn);
i <- get
return $ Exact (desugar syn i t)
<|> do reserved "applyTactic"; t <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> expr syn);
i <- get
return $ ApplyTactic (desugar syn i t)
<|> do reserved "reflect"; t <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> expr syn);
i <- get
return $ Reflect (desugar syn i t)
<|> do reserved "fill"; t <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> expr syn);
i <- get
return $ Fill (desugar syn i t)
<|> do reserved "try"; t <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> tactic syn);
lchar '|';
t1 <- (indentPropHolds gtProp *> tactic syn)
return $ Try t t1
<|> do lchar '{'
t <- tactic syn;
lchar ';';
ts <- sepBy1 (tactic syn) (lchar ';')
lchar '}'
return $ TSeq t (mergeSeq ts)
<|> do reserved "compute"; return Compute
<|> do reserved "trivial"; return Trivial
<|> do reserved "solve"; return Solve
<|> do reserved "attack"; return Attack
<|> do reserved "state"; return ProofState
<|> do reserved "term"; return ProofTerm
<|> do reserved "undo"; return Undo
<|> do reserved "qed"; return Qed
<|> do reserved "abandon"; return Abandon
<|> do lchar ':'; reserved "q"; return Abandon
<?> "tactic"
imp :: IdrisParser Bool
imp = do lchar '?'; return False
<|> do lchar '_'; return True
mergeSeq :: [PTactic] -> PTactic
mergeSeq [t] = t
mergeSeq (t:ts) = TSeq t (mergeSeq ts)
fullTactic :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTactic
fullTactic syn = do t <- tactic syn
return t