module Idris.IdeSlave(parseMessage, convSExp, IdeSlaveCommand(..), sexpToCommand, toSExp, SExp(..), SExpable) where
import Text.Printf
import Numeric
import Data.List
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import Text.Trifecta hiding (Err)
import Text.Trifecta.Delta
import Core.TT
import Control.Applicative
data SExp = SexpList [SExp]
| StringAtom String
| BoolAtom Bool
| IntegerAtom Integer
| SymbolAtom String
deriving ( Eq, Show )
sExpToString :: SExp -> String
sExpToString (StringAtom s) = "\"" ++ escape s ++ "\""
sExpToString (BoolAtom True) = ":True"
sExpToString (BoolAtom False) = ":False"
sExpToString (IntegerAtom i) = printf "%d" i
sExpToString (SymbolAtom s) = ":" ++ s
sExpToString (SexpList l) = "(" ++ intercalate " " (map sExpToString l) ++ ")"
class SExpable a where
toSExp :: a -> SExp
instance SExpable SExp where
toSExp a = a
instance SExpable Bool where
toSExp True = BoolAtom True
toSExp False = BoolAtom False
instance SExpable String where
toSExp s = StringAtom s
instance SExpable Integer where
toSExp n = IntegerAtom n
instance SExpable Int where
toSExp n = IntegerAtom (toInteger n)
instance SExpable Name where
toSExp s = StringAtom (show s)
instance (SExpable a) => SExpable (Maybe a) where
toSExp Nothing = SexpList [SymbolAtom "Nothing"]
toSExp (Just a) = SexpList [SymbolAtom "Just", toSExp a]
instance (SExpable a) => SExpable [a] where
toSExp l = SexpList (map toSExp l)
instance (SExpable a, SExpable b) => SExpable (a, b) where
toSExp (l, r) = SexpList [toSExp l, toSExp r]
instance (SExpable a, SExpable b, SExpable c) => SExpable (a, b, c) where
toSExp (l, m, n) = SexpList [toSExp l, toSExp m, toSExp n]
escape :: String -> String
escape = concatMap escapeChar
escapeChar '\\' = "\\\\"
escapeChar '"' = "\\\""
escapeChar c = [c]
pSExp = do xs <- between (char '(') (char ')') (pSExp `sepBy` (char ' '))
return (SexpList xs)
<|> atom
atom = do string "nil"; return (SexpList [])
<|> do char ':'; x <- atomC; return x
<|> do char '"'; xs <- many quotedChar; char '"'; return (StringAtom xs)
<|> do ints <- some digit
case readDec ints of
((num, ""):_) -> return (IntegerAtom (toInteger num))
_ -> return (StringAtom ints)
atomC = do string "True"; return (BoolAtom True)
<|> do string "False"; return (BoolAtom False)
<|> do xs <- many (noneOf " \n\t\r\"()"); return (SymbolAtom xs)
quotedChar = try (string "\\\\" >> return '\\')
<|> try (string "\\\"" >> return '"')
<|> noneOf "\""
parseSExp :: String -> Result SExp
parseSExp = parseString pSExp (Directed (UTF8.fromString "(unknown)") 0 0 0 0)
data IdeSlaveCommand = REPLCompletions String
| Interpret String
| TypeOf String
| CaseSplit Int String
| AddClause Int String
| AddProofClause Int String
| AddMissing Int String
| MakeWithBlock Int String
| ProofSearch Int String [String]
| LoadFile String
deriving Show
sexpToCommand :: SExp -> Maybe IdeSlaveCommand
sexpToCommand (SexpList (x:[])) = sexpToCommand x
sexpToCommand (SexpList [SymbolAtom "interpret", StringAtom cmd]) = Just (Interpret cmd)
sexpToCommand (SexpList [SymbolAtom "repl-completions", StringAtom prefix]) = Just (REPLCompletions prefix)
sexpToCommand (SexpList [SymbolAtom "load-file", StringAtom filename]) = Just (LoadFile filename)
sexpToCommand (SexpList [SymbolAtom "type-of", StringAtom name]) = Just (TypeOf name)
sexpToCommand (SexpList [SymbolAtom "case-split", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom name]) = Just (CaseSplit (fromInteger line) name)
sexpToCommand (SexpList [SymbolAtom "add-clause", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom name]) = Just (AddClause (fromInteger line) name)
sexpToCommand (SexpList [SymbolAtom "add-proof-clause", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom name]) = Just (AddProofClause (fromInteger line) name)
sexpToCommand (SexpList [SymbolAtom "add-missing", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom name]) = Just (AddMissing (fromInteger line) name)
sexpToCommand (SexpList [SymbolAtom "make-with", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom name]) = Just (MakeWithBlock (fromInteger line) name)
sexpToCommand (SexpList [SymbolAtom "proof-search", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom name, SexpList hintexp]) | Just hints <- getHints hintexp = Just (ProofSearch (fromInteger line) name hints)
where getHints = mapM (\h -> case h of
StringAtom s -> Just s
_ -> Nothing)
sexpToCommand _ = Nothing
parseMessage :: String -> Either Err (SExp, Integer)
parseMessage x = case receiveString x of
Right (SexpList [cmd, (IntegerAtom id)]) -> Right (cmd, id)
Left err -> Left err
receiveString :: String -> Either Err SExp
receiveString x =
case readHex (take 6 x) of
((num, ""):_) ->
let msg = drop 6 x in
if (length msg) /= (num 1)
then Left . Msg $ "bad input length"
else (case parseSExp msg of
Failure _ -> Left . Msg $ "parse failure"
Success r -> Right r)
_ -> Left . Msg $ "readHex failed"
convSExp :: SExpable a => String -> a -> Integer -> String
convSExp pre s id =
let sex = SexpList [SymbolAtom pre, toSExp s, IntegerAtom id] in
let str = sExpToString sex in
(getHexLength str) ++ str
getHexLength :: String -> String
getHexLength s = printf "%06x" (1 + (length s))