module Idris.IBC where
import Core.Evaluate
import Core.TT
import Core.CaseTree
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Imports
import Idris.Error
import Data.Binary
import Data.Vector.Binary
import Data.List
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as B hiding (length, elem)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State hiding (get, put)
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import Debug.Trace
import Paths_idris
ibcVersion :: Word8
ibcVersion = 44
data IBCFile = IBCFile { ver :: Word8,
sourcefile :: FilePath,
ibc_imports :: [FilePath],
ibc_implicits :: [(Name, [PArg])],
ibc_fixes :: [FixDecl],
ibc_statics :: [(Name, [Bool])],
ibc_classes :: [(Name, ClassInfo)],
ibc_instances :: [(Bool, Name, Name)],
ibc_dsls :: [(Name, DSL)],
ibc_datatypes :: [(Name, TypeInfo)],
ibc_optimise :: [(Name, OptInfo)],
ibc_syntax :: [Syntax],
ibc_keywords :: [String],
ibc_objs :: [(Codegen, FilePath)],
ibc_libs :: [(Codegen, String)],
ibc_cgflags :: [(Codegen, String)],
ibc_dynamic_libs :: [String],
ibc_hdrs :: [(Codegen, String)],
ibc_access :: [(Name, Accessibility)],
ibc_total :: [(Name, Totality)],
ibc_flags :: [(Name, [FnOpt])],
ibc_cg :: [(Name, CGInfo)],
ibc_defs :: [(Name, Def)],
ibc_docstrings :: [(Name, String)],
ibc_transforms :: [(Term, Term)],
ibc_coercions :: [Name],
ibc_lineapps :: [(FilePath, Int, PTerm)]
deriving Show
initIBC :: IBCFile
initIBC = IBCFile ibcVersion "" [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
loadIBC :: FilePath -> Idris ()
loadIBC fp = do iLOG $ "Loading ibc " ++ fp
ibcf <- runIO $ (decodeFile fp :: IO IBCFile)
process ibcf fp
writeIBC :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Idris ()
writeIBC src f
= do iLOG $ "Writing ibc " ++ show f
i <- getIState
case ( fst (idris_metavars i)) \\ primDefs of
(_:_) -> ifail "Can't write ibc when there are unsolved metavariables"
[] -> return ()
ibcf <- mkIBC (ibc_write i) (initIBC { sourcefile = src })
idrisCatch (do runIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (dropFileName f)
runIO $ encodeFile f ibcf
iLOG "Written")
(\c -> do iLOG $ "Failed " ++ show c)
return ()
mkIBC :: [IBCWrite] -> IBCFile -> Idris IBCFile
mkIBC [] f = return f
mkIBC (i:is) f = do ist <- getIState
logLvl 5 $ show i ++ " " ++ show (Data.List.length is)
f' <- ibc ist i f
mkIBC is f'
ibc :: IState -> IBCWrite -> IBCFile -> Idris IBCFile
ibc i (IBCFix d) f = return f { ibc_fixes = d : ibc_fixes f }
ibc i (IBCImp n) f = case lookupCtxt n (idris_implicits i) of
[v] -> return f { ibc_implicits = (n,v): ibc_implicits f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCStatic n) f
= case lookupCtxt n (idris_statics i) of
[v] -> return f { ibc_statics = (n,v): ibc_statics f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCClass n) f
= case lookupCtxt n (idris_classes i) of
[v] -> return f { ibc_classes = (n,v): ibc_classes f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCInstance int n ins) f
= return f { ibc_instances = (int,n,ins): ibc_instances f }
ibc i (IBCDSL n) f
= case lookupCtxt n (idris_dsls i) of
[v] -> return f { ibc_dsls = (n,v): ibc_dsls f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCData n) f
= case lookupCtxt n (idris_datatypes i) of
[v] -> return f { ibc_datatypes = (n,v): ibc_datatypes f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCOpt n) f = case lookupCtxt n (idris_optimisation i) of
[v] -> return f { ibc_optimise = (n,v): ibc_optimise f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCSyntax n) f = return f { ibc_syntax = n : ibc_syntax f }
ibc i (IBCKeyword n) f = return f { ibc_keywords = n : ibc_keywords f }
ibc i (IBCImport n) f = return f { ibc_imports = n : ibc_imports f }
ibc i (IBCObj tgt n) f = return f { ibc_objs = (tgt, n) : ibc_objs f }
ibc i (IBCLib tgt n) f = return f { ibc_libs = (tgt, n) : ibc_libs f }
ibc i (IBCCGFlag tgt n) f = return f { ibc_cgflags = (tgt, n) : ibc_cgflags f }
ibc i (IBCDyLib n) f = return f {ibc_dynamic_libs = n : ibc_dynamic_libs f }
ibc i (IBCHeader tgt n) f = return f { ibc_hdrs = (tgt, n) : ibc_hdrs f }
ibc i (IBCDef n) f = case lookupDef n (tt_ctxt i) of
[v] -> return f { ibc_defs = (n,v) : ibc_defs f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCDoc n) f = case lookupCtxt n (idris_docstrings i) of
[v] -> return f { ibc_docstrings = (n,v) : ibc_docstrings f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCCG n) f = case lookupCtxt n (idris_callgraph i) of
[v] -> return f { ibc_cg = (n,v) : ibc_cg f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCCoercion n) f = return f { ibc_coercions = n : ibc_coercions f }
ibc i (IBCAccess n a) f = return f { ibc_access = (n,a) : ibc_access f }
ibc i (IBCFlags n a) f = return f { ibc_flags = (n,a) : ibc_flags f }
ibc i (IBCTotal n a) f = return f { ibc_total = (n,a) : ibc_total f }
ibc i (IBCTrans t) f = return f { ibc_transforms = t : ibc_transforms f }
ibc i (IBCLineApp fp l t) f
= return f { ibc_lineapps = (fp,l,t) : ibc_lineapps f }
process :: IBCFile -> FilePath -> Idris ()
process i fn
| ver i /= ibcVersion = do iLOG "ibc out of date"
ifail "Incorrect ibc version --- please rebuild"
| otherwise =
do srcok <- runIO $ doesFileExist (sourcefile i)
when srcok $ runIO $ timestampOlder (sourcefile i) fn
v <- verbose
quiet <- getQuiet
pImports (ibc_imports i)
pImps (ibc_implicits i)
pFixes (ibc_fixes i)
pStatics (ibc_statics i)
pClasses (ibc_classes i)
pInstances (ibc_instances i)
pDSLs (ibc_dsls i)
pDatatypes (ibc_datatypes i)
pOptimise (ibc_optimise i)
pSyntax (ibc_syntax i)
pKeywords (ibc_keywords i)
pObjs (ibc_objs i)
pLibs (ibc_libs i)
pCGFlags (ibc_cgflags i)
pDyLibs (ibc_dynamic_libs i)
pHdrs (ibc_hdrs i)
pDefs (ibc_defs i)
pAccess (ibc_access i)
pTotal (ibc_total i)
pCG (ibc_cg i)
pDocs (ibc_docstrings i)
pCoercions (ibc_coercions i)
pTrans (ibc_transforms i)
pLineApps (ibc_lineapps i)
timestampOlder :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
timestampOlder src ibc = do srct <- getModificationTime src
ibct <- getModificationTime ibc
if (srct > ibct)
then fail "Needs reloading"
else return ()
pImports :: [FilePath] -> Idris ()
pImports fs
= do mapM_ (\f -> do i <- getIState
ibcsd <- valIBCSubDir i
ids <- allImportDirs
fp <- runIO $ findImport ids ibcsd f
if (f `elem` imported i)
then iLOG $ "Already read " ++ f
else do putIState (i { imported = f : imported i })
case fp of
LIDR fn -> do iLOG $ "Failed at " ++ fn
ifail "Must be an ibc"
IDR fn -> do iLOG $ "Failed at " ++ fn
ifail "Must be an ibc"
IBC fn src -> loadIBC fn)
pImps :: [(Name, [PArg])] -> Idris ()
pImps imps = mapM_ (\ (n, imp) ->
do i <- getIState
putIState (i { idris_implicits
= addDef n imp (idris_implicits i) }))
pFixes :: [FixDecl] -> Idris ()
pFixes f = do i <- getIState
putIState (i { idris_infixes = sort $ f ++ idris_infixes i })
pStatics :: [(Name, [Bool])] -> Idris ()
pStatics ss = mapM_ (\ (n, s) ->
do i <- getIState
putIState (i { idris_statics
= addDef n s (idris_statics i) }))
pClasses :: [(Name, ClassInfo)] -> Idris ()
pClasses cs = mapM_ (\ (n, c) ->
do i <- getIState
let is = case lookupCtxt n (idris_classes i) of
[CI _ _ _ _ ins] -> ins
_ -> []
let c' = c { class_instances =
class_instances c ++ is }
putIState (i { idris_classes
= addDef n c' (idris_classes i) }))
pInstances :: [(Bool, Name, Name)] -> Idris ()
pInstances cs = mapM_ (\ (i, n, ins) -> addInstance i n ins) cs
pDSLs :: [(Name, DSL)] -> Idris ()
pDSLs cs = mapM_ (\ (n, c) ->
do i <- getIState
putIState (i { idris_dsls
= addDef n c (idris_dsls i) }))
pDatatypes :: [(Name, TypeInfo)] -> Idris ()
pDatatypes cs = mapM_ (\ (n, c) ->
do i <- getIState
putIState (i { idris_datatypes
= addDef n c (idris_datatypes i) }))
pOptimise :: [(Name, OptInfo)] -> Idris ()
pOptimise cs = mapM_ (\ (n, c) ->
do i <- getIState
putIState (i { idris_optimisation
= addDef n c (idris_optimisation i) }))
pSyntax :: [Syntax] -> Idris ()
pSyntax s = do i <- getIState
putIState (i { syntax_rules = s ++ syntax_rules i })
pKeywords :: [String] -> Idris ()
pKeywords k = do i <- getIState
putIState (i { syntax_keywords = k ++ syntax_keywords i })
pObjs :: [(Codegen, FilePath)] -> Idris ()
pObjs os = mapM_ (\ (cg, obj) -> do dirs <- allImportDirs
o <- runIO $ findInPath dirs obj
addObjectFile cg o) os
pLibs :: [(Codegen, String)] -> Idris ()
pLibs ls = mapM_ (uncurry addLib) ls
pCGFlags :: [(Codegen, String)] -> Idris ()
pCGFlags ls = mapM_ (uncurry addFlag) ls
pDyLibs :: [String] -> Idris ()
pDyLibs ls = do res <- mapM (addDyLib . return) ls
mapM_ checkLoad res
return ()
where checkLoad (Left _) = return ()
checkLoad (Right err) = ifail err
pHdrs :: [(Codegen, String)] -> Idris ()
pHdrs hs = mapM_ (uncurry addHdr) hs
pDefs :: [(Name, Def)] -> Idris ()
pDefs ds = mapM_ (\ (n, d) ->
do i <- getIState
logLvl 5 $ "Added " ++ show (n, d)
putIState (i { tt_ctxt = addCtxtDef n d (tt_ctxt i) }))
pDocs :: [(Name, String)] -> Idris ()
pDocs ds = mapM_ (\ (n, a) -> addDocStr n a) ds
pAccess :: [(Name, Accessibility)] -> Idris ()
pAccess ds = mapM_ (\ (n, a) ->
do i <- getIState
putIState (i { tt_ctxt = setAccess n a (tt_ctxt i) }))
pFlags :: [(Name, [FnOpt])] -> Idris ()
pFlags ds = mapM_ (\ (n, a) -> setFlags n a) ds
pTotal :: [(Name, Totality)] -> Idris ()
pTotal ds = mapM_ (\ (n, a) ->
do i <- getIState
putIState (i { tt_ctxt = setTotal n a (tt_ctxt i) }))
pCG :: [(Name, CGInfo)] -> Idris ()
pCG ds = mapM_ (\ (n, a) -> addToCG n a) ds
pCoercions :: [Name] -> Idris ()
pCoercions ns = mapM_ (\ n -> addCoercion n) ns
pTrans :: [(Term, Term)] -> Idris ()
pTrans ts = mapM_ addTrans ts
pLineApps :: [(FilePath, Int, PTerm)] -> Idris ()
pLineApps ls = mapM_ (\ (f, i, t) -> addInternalApp f i t) ls
instance Binary SizeChange where
put x
= case x of
Smaller -> putWord8 0
Same -> putWord8 1
Bigger -> putWord8 2
Unknown -> putWord8 3
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> return Smaller
1 -> return Same
2 -> return Bigger
3 -> return Unknown
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for SizeChange"
instance Binary CGInfo where
put (CGInfo x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)
= do put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
= do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
return (CGInfo x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)
instance Binary FC where
put (FC x1 x2 x3)
= do put x1
put x2
put x3
= do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (FC x1 x2 x3)
instance Binary Name where
put x
= case x of
UN x1 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
NS x1 x2 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
MN x1 x2 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
put x2
NErased -> putWord8 3
SN x1 -> do putWord8 4
put x1
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
return (UN x1)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (NS x1 x2)
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (MN x1 x2)
3 -> return NErased
4 -> do x1 <- get
return (SN x1)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Name"
instance Binary SpecialName where
put x
= case x of
WhereN x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
put x2
put x3
InstanceN x1 x2 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
ParentN x1 x2 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
put x2
MethodN x1 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
CaseN x1 -> do putWord8 4; put x1
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (WhereN x1 x2 x3)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (InstanceN x1 x2)
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (ParentN x1 x2)
3 -> do x1 <- get
return (MethodN x1)
4 -> do x1 <- get
return (CaseN x1)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for SpecialName"
instance Binary Const where
put x
= case x of
I x1 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
BI x1 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
Fl x1 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
Ch x1 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
Str x1 -> do putWord8 4
put x1
B8 x1 -> putWord8 5 >> put x1
B16 x1 -> putWord8 6 >> put x1
B32 x1 -> putWord8 7 >> put x1
B64 x1 -> putWord8 8 >> put x1
(AType (ATInt ITNative)) -> putWord8 9
(AType (ATInt ITBig)) -> putWord8 10
(AType ATFloat) -> putWord8 11
(AType (ATInt ITChar)) -> putWord8 12
StrType -> putWord8 13
PtrType -> putWord8 14
Forgot -> putWord8 15
(AType (ATInt (ITFixed ity))) -> putWord8 (fromIntegral (16 + fromEnum ity))
(AType (ATInt (ITVec ity count))) -> do
putWord8 20
putWord8 (fromIntegral . fromEnum $ ity)
putWord8 (fromIntegral count)
B8V x1 -> putWord8 21 >> put x1
B16V x1 -> putWord8 22 >> put x1
B32V x1 -> putWord8 23 >> put x1
B64V x1 -> putWord8 24 >> put x1
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
return (I x1)
1 -> do x1 <- get
return (BI x1)
2 -> do x1 <- get
return (Fl x1)
3 -> do x1 <- get
return (Ch x1)
4 -> do x1 <- get
return (Str x1)
5 -> fmap B8 get
6 -> fmap B16 get
7 -> fmap B32 get
8 -> fmap B64 get
9 -> return (AType (ATInt ITNative))
10 -> return (AType (ATInt ITBig))
11 -> return (AType ATFloat)
12 -> return (AType (ATInt ITChar))
13 -> return StrType
14 -> return PtrType
15 -> return Forgot
16 -> return (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT8)))
17 -> return (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT16)))
18 -> return (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT32)))
19 -> return (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT64)))
20 -> do
e <- getWord8
c <- getWord8
return (AType (ATInt (ITVec (toEnum . fromIntegral $ e) (fromIntegral c))))
21 -> fmap B8V get
22 -> fmap B16V get
23 -> fmap B32V get
24 -> fmap B64V get
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Const"
instance Binary Raw where
put x
= case x of
Var x1 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
RBind x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
put x3
RApp x1 x2 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
put x2
RType -> putWord8 3
RConstant x1 -> do putWord8 4
put x1
RForce x1 -> do putWord8 5
put x1
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
return (Var x1)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (RBind x1 x2 x3)
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (RApp x1 x2)
3 -> return RType
4 -> do x1 <- get
return (RConstant x1)
5 -> do x1 <- get
return (RForce x1)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Raw"
instance (Binary b) => Binary (Binder b) where
put x
= case x of
Lam x1 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
Pi x1 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
Let x1 x2 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
put x2
NLet x1 x2 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
put x2
Hole x1 -> do putWord8 4
put x1
GHole x1 x2 -> do putWord8 5
put x1
put x2
Guess x1 x2 -> do putWord8 6
put x1
put x2
PVar x1 -> do putWord8 7
put x1
PVTy x1 -> do putWord8 8
put x1
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
return (Lam x1)
1 -> do x1 <- get
return (Pi x1)
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (Let x1 x2)
3 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (NLet x1 x2)
4 -> do x1 <- get
return (Hole x1)
5 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (GHole x1 x2)
6 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (Guess x1 x2)
7 -> do x1 <- get
return (PVar x1)
8 -> do x1 <- get
return (PVTy x1)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Binder"
instance Binary NameType where
put x
= case x of
Bound -> putWord8 0
Ref -> putWord8 1
DCon x1 x2 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
put x2
TCon x1 x2 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
put x2
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> return Bound
1 -> return Ref
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (DCon x1 x2)
3 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (TCon x1 x2)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for NameType"
instance Binary (TT Name) where
put x
case x of
P x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
put x2
put x3
V x1 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
Bind x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
put x2
put x3
App x1 x2 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
put x2
Constant x1 -> do putWord8 4
put x1
Proj x1 x2 -> do putWord8 5
put x1
put x2
Erased -> putWord8 6
TType x1 -> do putWord8 7
put x1
Impossible -> putWord8 8
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (P x1 x2 x3)
1 -> do x1 <- get
return (V x1)
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (Bind x1 x2 x3)
3 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (App x1 x2)
4 -> do x1 <- get
return (Constant x1)
5 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (Proj x1 x2)
6 -> return Erased
7 -> do x1 <- get
return (TType x1)
8 -> return Impossible
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for TT"
instance Binary SC where
put x
= case x of
Case x1 x2 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
put x2
ProjCase x1 x2 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
STerm x1 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
UnmatchedCase x1 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
ImpossibleCase -> do putWord8 4
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (Case x1 x2)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (ProjCase x1 x2)
2 -> do x1 <- get
return (STerm x1)
3 -> do x1 <- get
return (UnmatchedCase x1)
4 -> return ImpossibleCase
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for SC"
instance Binary CaseAlt where
put x
case x of
ConCase x1 x2 x3 x4 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
ConstCase x1 x2 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
DefaultCase x1 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
FnCase x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
put x2
put x3
SucCase x1 x2 -> do putWord8 4
put x1
put x2
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (ConCase x1 x2 x3 x4)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (ConstCase x1 x2)
2 -> do x1 <- get
return (DefaultCase x1)
3 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (FnCase x1 x2 x3)
4 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (SucCase x1 x2)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for CaseAlt"
instance Binary CaseDefs where
put (CaseDefs x1 x2 x3 x4)
= do
put x2
put x3
put x4
= do x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (CaseDefs x3 x2 x3 x4)
instance Binary CaseInfo where
put x@(CaseInfo x1 x2) = do put x1
put x2
get = do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (CaseInfo x1 x2)
instance Binary Def where
put x
case x of
Function x1 x2 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
put x2
TyDecl x1 x2 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
Operator x1 x2 x3 -> do return ()
CaseOp x1 x2 x3 x3a x4 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (Function x1 x2)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (TyDecl x1 x2)
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (Operator x1 x2 x3)
3 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (CaseOp x1 x2 x3 [] x4)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Def"
instance Binary Accessibility where
put x
= case x of
Public -> putWord8 0
Frozen -> putWord8 1
Hidden -> putWord8 2
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> return Public
1 -> return Frozen
2 -> return Hidden
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Accessibility"
instance Binary PReason where
put x
= case x of
Other x1 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
Itself -> putWord8 1
NotCovering -> putWord8 2
NotPositive -> putWord8 3
Mutual x1 -> do putWord8 4
put x1
NotProductive -> putWord8 5
BelieveMe -> putWord8 6
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
return (Other x1)
1 -> return Itself
2 -> return NotCovering
3 -> return NotPositive
4 -> do x1 <- get
return (Mutual x1)
5 -> return NotProductive
6 -> return BelieveMe
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for PReason"
instance Binary Totality where
put x
= case x of
Total x1 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
Partial x1 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
Unchecked -> do putWord8 2
Productive -> do putWord8 3
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
return (Total x1)
1 -> do x1 <- get
return (Partial x1)
2 -> return Unchecked
3 -> return Productive
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Totality"
instance Binary IBCFile where
put x@(IBCFile x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27)
do put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
put x6
put x7
put x8
put x9
put x10
put x11
put x12
put x13
put x14
put x15
put x16
put x17
put x18
put x19
put x20
put x21
put x22
put x23
put x24
put x25
put x26
put x27
= do x1 <- get
if x1 == ibcVersion then
do x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
x6 <- get
x7 <- get
x8 <- get
x9 <- get
x10 <- get
x11 <- get
x12 <- get
x13 <- get
x14 <- get
x15 <- get
x16 <- get
x17 <- get
x18 <- get
x19 <- get
x20 <- get
x21 <- get
x22 <- get
x23 <- get
x24 <- get
x25 <- get
x26 <- get
x27 <- get
return (IBCFile x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27)
else return (initIBC { ver = x1 })
instance Binary FnOpt where
put x
= case x of
Inlinable -> putWord8 0
TotalFn -> putWord8 1
Dictionary -> putWord8 2
AssertTotal -> putWord8 3
Specialise x -> do putWord8 4
put x
Coinductive -> putWord8 5
PartialFn -> putWord8 6
Implicit -> putWord8 7
Reflection -> putWord8 8
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> return Inlinable
1 -> return TotalFn
2 -> return Dictionary
3 -> return AssertTotal
4 -> do x <- get
return (Specialise x)
5 -> return Coinductive
6 -> return PartialFn
7 -> return Implicit
8 -> return Reflection
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for FnOpt"
instance Binary Fixity where
put x
= case x of
Infixl x1 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
Infixr x1 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
InfixN x1 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
PrefixN x1 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
return (Infixl x1)
1 -> do x1 <- get
return (Infixr x1)
2 -> do x1 <- get
return (InfixN x1)
3 -> do x1 <- get
return (PrefixN x1)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Fixity"
instance Binary FixDecl where
put (Fix x1 x2)
= do put x1
put x2
= do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (Fix x1 x2)
instance Binary Static where
put x
= case x of
Static -> putWord8 0
Dynamic -> putWord8 1
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> return Static
1 -> return Dynamic
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Static"
instance Binary Plicity where
put x
= case x of
Imp x1 x2 x3 x4 ->
do putWord8 0
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
Exp x1 x2 x3 x4 ->
do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
Constraint x1 x2 x3 ->
do putWord8 2
put x1
put x2
put x3
TacImp x1 x2 x3 x4 ->
do putWord8 3
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (Imp x1 x2 x3 x4)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (Exp x1 x2 x3 x4)
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (Constraint x1 x2 x3)
3 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (TacImp x1 x2 x3 x4)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Plicity"
instance (Binary t) => Binary (PDecl' t) where
put x
= case x of
PFix x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
put x2
put x3
PTy x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
-> do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
put x6
PClauses x1 x2 x3 x4 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
PData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ->
do putWord8 3
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
PParams x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 4
put x1
put x2
put x3
PNamespace x1 x2 -> do putWord8 5
put x1
put x2
PRecord x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ->
do putWord8 6
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
put x6
put x7
put x8
PClass x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7
-> do putWord8 7
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
put x6
put x7
PInstance x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 -> do putWord8 8
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
put x6
put x7
put x8
PDSL x1 x2 -> do putWord8 9
put x1
put x2
PCAF x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 10
put x1
put x2
put x3
PMutual x1 x2 -> do putWord8 11
put x1
put x2
PPostulate x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
-> do putWord8 12
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
put x6
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (PFix x1 x2 x3)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
x6 <- get
return (PTy x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (PClauses x1 x2 x3 x4)
3 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
return (PData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)
4 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (PParams x1 x2 x3)
5 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (PNamespace x1 x2)
6 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
x6 <- get
x7 <- get
x8 <- get
return (PRecord x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8)
7 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
x6 <- get
x7 <- get
return (PClass x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7)
8 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
x6 <- get
x7 <- get
x8 <- get
return (PInstance x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8)
9 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (PDSL x1 x2)
10 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (PCAF x1 x2 x3)
11 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (PMutual x1 x2)
12 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
x6 <- get
return (PPostulate x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for PDecl'"
instance Binary Using where
put (UImplicit x1 x2) = do putWord8 0; put x1; put x2
put (UConstraint x1 x2) = do putWord8 1; put x1; put x2
get = do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get; x2 <- get; return (UImplicit x1 x2)
1 -> do x1 <- get; x2 <- get; return (UConstraint x1 x2)
instance Binary SyntaxInfo where
put (Syn x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8)
= do put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
put x6
put x7
put x8
= do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
x6 <- get
x7 <- get
x8 <- get
return (Syn x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8)
instance (Binary t) => Binary (PClause' t) where
put x
= case x of
PClause x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
put x6
PWith x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
put x6
PClauseR x1 x2 x3 x4 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
PWithR x1 x2 x3 x4 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
x6 <- get
return (PClause x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
x6 <- get
return (PWith x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (PClauseR x1 x2 x3 x4)
3 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (PWithR x1 x2 x3 x4)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for PClause'"
instance (Binary t) => Binary (PData' t) where
put x
= case x of
PDatadecl x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
put x2
put x3
PLaterdecl x1 x2 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (PDatadecl x1 x2 x3)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (PLaterdecl x1 x2)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for PData'"
instance Binary PTerm where
put x
= case x of
PQuote x1 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
PRef x1 x2 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
PInferRef x1 x2 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
put x2
PPatvar x1 x2 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
put x2
PLam x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 4
put x1
put x2
put x3
PPi x1 x2 x3 x4 -> do putWord8 5
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
PLet x1 x2 x3 x4 -> do putWord8 6
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
PTyped x1 x2 -> do putWord8 7
put x1
put x2
PApp x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 8
put x1
put x2
put x3
PAppBind x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 9
put x1
put x2
put x3
PMatchApp x1 x2 -> do putWord8 10
put x1
put x2
PCase x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 11
put x1
put x2
put x3
PTrue x1 -> do putWord8 12
put x1
PFalse x1 -> do putWord8 13
put x1
PRefl x1 x2 -> do putWord8 14
put x1
put x2
PResolveTC x1 -> do putWord8 15
put x1
PEq x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 16
put x1
put x2
put x3
PRewrite x1 x2 x3 x4 -> do putWord8 17
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
PPair x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 18
put x1
put x2
put x3
PDPair x1 x2 x3 x4 -> do putWord8 19
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
PAlternative x1 x2 -> do putWord8 20
put x1
put x2
PHidden x1 -> do putWord8 21
put x1
PType -> putWord8 22
PGoal x1 x2 x3 x4 -> do putWord8 23
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
PConstant x1 -> do putWord8 24
put x1
Placeholder -> putWord8 25
PDoBlock x1 -> do putWord8 26
put x1
PIdiom x1 x2 -> do putWord8 27
put x1
put x2
PReturn x1 -> do putWord8 28
put x1
PMetavar x1 -> do putWord8 29
put x1
PProof x1 -> do putWord8 30
put x1
PTactics x1 -> do putWord8 31
put x1
PImpossible -> putWord8 33
PCoerced x1 -> do putWord8 34
put x1
PUnifyLog x1 -> do putWord8 35
put x1
PNoImplicits x1 -> do putWord8 36
put x1
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
return (PQuote x1)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (PRef x1 x2)
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (PInferRef x1 x2)
3 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (PPatvar x1 x2)
4 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (PLam x1 x2 x3)
5 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (PPi x1 x2 x3 x4)
6 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (PLet x1 x2 x3 x4)
7 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (PTyped x1 x2)
8 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (PApp x1 x2 x3)
9 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (PAppBind x1 x2 x3)
10 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (PMatchApp x1 x2)
11 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (PCase x1 x2 x3)
12 -> do x1 <- get
return (PTrue x1)
13 -> do x1 <- get
return (PFalse x1)
14 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (PRefl x1 x2)
15 -> do x1 <- get
return (PResolveTC x1)
16 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (PEq x1 x2 x3)
17 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (PRewrite x1 x2 x3 x4)
18 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (PPair x1 x2 x3)
19 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (PDPair x1 x2 x3 x4)
20 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (PAlternative x1 x2)
21 -> do x1 <- get
return (PHidden x1)
22 -> return PType
23 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (PGoal x1 x2 x3 x4)
24 -> do x1 <- get
return (PConstant x1)
25 -> return Placeholder
26 -> do x1 <- get
return (PDoBlock x1)
27 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (PIdiom x1 x2)
28 -> do x1 <- get
return (PReturn x1)
29 -> do x1 <- get
return (PMetavar x1)
30 -> do x1 <- get
return (PProof x1)
31 -> do x1 <- get
return (PTactics x1)
33 -> return PImpossible
34 -> do x1 <- get
return (PCoerced x1)
35 -> do x1 <- get
return (PUnifyLog x1)
36 -> do x1 <- get
return (PNoImplicits x1)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for PTerm"
instance (Binary t) => Binary (PTactic' t) where
put x
= case x of
Intro x1 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
Focus x1 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
Refine x1 x2 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
put x2
Rewrite x1 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
LetTac x1 x2 -> do putWord8 4
put x1
put x2
Exact x1 -> do putWord8 5
put x1
Compute -> putWord8 6
Trivial -> putWord8 7
Solve -> putWord8 8
Attack -> putWord8 9
ProofState -> putWord8 10
ProofTerm -> putWord8 11
Undo -> putWord8 12
Try x1 x2 -> do putWord8 13
put x1
put x2
TSeq x1 x2 -> do putWord8 14
put x1
put x2
Qed -> putWord8 15
ApplyTactic x1 -> do putWord8 16
put x1
Reflect x1 -> do putWord8 17
put x1
Fill x1 -> do putWord8 18
put x1
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
return (Intro x1)
1 -> do x1 <- get
return (Focus x1)
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (Refine x1 x2)
3 -> do x1 <- get
return (Rewrite x1)
4 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (LetTac x1 x2)
5 -> do x1 <- get
return (Exact x1)
6 -> return Compute
7 -> return Trivial
8 -> return Solve
9 -> return Attack
10 -> return ProofState
11 -> return ProofTerm
12 -> return Undo
13 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (Try x1 x2)
14 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (TSeq x1 x2)
15 -> return Qed
16 -> do x1 <- get
return (ApplyTactic x1)
17 -> do x1 <- get
return (Reflect x1)
18 -> do x1 <- get
return (Fill x1)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for PTactic'"
instance (Binary t) => Binary (PDo' t) where
put x
= case x of
DoExp x1 x2 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
put x2
DoBind x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
put x3
DoBindP x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
put x2
put x3
DoLet x1 x2 x3 x4 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
DoLetP x1 x2 x3 -> do putWord8 4
put x1
put x2
put x3
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (DoExp x1 x2)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (DoBind x1 x2 x3)
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (DoBindP x1 x2 x3)
3 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (DoLet x1 x2 x3 x4)
4 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (DoLetP x1 x2 x3)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for PDo'"
instance (Binary t) => Binary (PArg' t) where
put x
= case x of
PImp x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ->
do putWord8 0
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
put x6
PExp x1 x2 x3 x4 ->
do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
PConstraint x1 x2 x3 x4 ->
do putWord8 2
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
PTacImplicit x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ->
do putWord8 3
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
put x6
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
x6 <- get
return (PImp x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (PExp x1 x2 x3 x4)
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (PConstraint x1 x2 x3 x4)
3 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
x6 <- get
return (PTacImplicit x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for PArg'"
instance Binary ClassInfo where
put (CI x1 x2 x3 x4 _)
= do put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
= do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (CI x1 x2 x3 x4 [])
instance Binary OptInfo where
put (Optimise x1 x2 x3 x4)
= do put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
= do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (Optimise x1 x2 x3 x4)
instance Binary TypeInfo where
put (TI x1 x2 x3) = do put x1
put x2
put x3
get = do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (TI x1 x2 x3)
instance Binary SynContext where
put x
= case x of
PatternSyntax -> putWord8 0
TermSyntax -> putWord8 1
AnySyntax -> putWord8 2
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> return PatternSyntax
1 -> return TermSyntax
2 -> return AnySyntax
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for SynContext"
instance Binary Syntax where
put (Rule x1 x2 x3)
= do put x1
put x2
put x3
= do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (Rule x1 x2 x3)
instance (Binary t) => Binary (DSL' t) where
put (DSL x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9)
= do put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
put x6
put x7
put x8
put x9
= do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
x6 <- get
x7 <- get
x8 <- get
x9 <- get
return (DSL x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9)
instance Binary SSymbol where
put x
= case x of
Keyword x1 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
Symbol x1 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
Expr x1 -> do putWord8 2
put x1
SimpleExpr x1 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
Binding x1 -> do putWord8 4
put x1
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
return (Keyword x1)
1 -> do x1 <- get
return (Symbol x1)
2 -> do x1 <- get
return (Expr x1)
3 -> do x1 <- get
return (SimpleExpr x1)
4 -> do x1 <- get
return (Binding x1)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for SSymbol"
instance Binary Codegen where
put x
= case x of
ViaC -> putWord8 0
ViaJava -> putWord8 1
ViaNode -> putWord8 2
ViaJavaScript -> putWord8 3
Bytecode -> putWord8 4
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> return ViaC
1 -> return ViaJava
2 -> return ViaNode
3 -> return ViaJavaScript
4 -> return Bytecode
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Codegen"