{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, TypeSynonymInstances, CPP #-}

module IRTS.Compiler where

import IRTS.Lang
import IRTS.Defunctionalise
import IRTS.Simplified
import IRTS.CodegenCommon
import IRTS.CodegenC
import IRTS.CodegenJava
import IRTS.DumpBC
import IRTS.CodegenJavaScript
import IRTS.CodegenLLVM
import Util.LLVMStubs
import IRTS.Inliner

import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.UnusedArgs
import Idris.Error

import Core.TT
import Core.Evaluate
import Core.CaseTree

import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import System.Process
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath ((</>), addTrailingPathSeparator)

import Paths_idris

compile :: Codegen -> FilePath -> Term -> Idris ()
compile codegen f tm
   = do checkMVs
        let tmnames = namesUsed (STerm tm)
        usedIn <- mapM (allNames []) tmnames
        let used = [UN "prim__subBigInt", UN "prim__addBigInt"] : usedIn
        defsIn <- mkDecls tm (concat used)
        findUnusedArgs (concat used)
        maindef <- irMain tm
        objs <- getObjectFiles codegen
        libs <- getLibs codegen
        flags <- getFlags codegen
        hdrs <- getHdrs codegen
        impdirs <- allImportDirs
        let defs = defsIn ++ [(MN 0 "runMain", maindef)]
        -- iputStrLn $ showSep "\n" (map show defs)
        let (nexttag, tagged) = addTags 65536 (liftAll defs)
        let ctxtIn = addAlist tagged emptyContext
        iLOG "Defunctionalising"
        let defuns_in = defunctionalise nexttag ctxtIn
        logLvl 5 $ show defuns_in
        iLOG "Inlining"
        let defuns = inline defuns_in
        logLvl 5 $ show defuns
        iLOG "Resolving variables for CG"
        -- iputStrLn $ showSep "\n" (map show (toAlist defuns))
        let checked = checkDefs defuns (toAlist defuns)
        outty <- outputTy
        dumpCases <- getDumpCases
        dumpDefun <- getDumpDefun
        case dumpCases of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just f -> runIO $ writeFile f (showCaseTrees defs)
        case dumpDefun of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just f -> runIO $ writeFile f (dumpDefuns defuns)
        triple <- targetTriple
        cpu <- targetCPU
        optimize <- optLevel
        iLOG "Building output"
        case checked of
            OK c -> runIO $ case codegen of
                              ViaC ->
                                  codegenC c f outty hdrs
                                    (concatMap mkObj objs)
                                    (concatMap mkLib libs)
                                    (concatMap mkFlag flags ++
                                     concatMap incdir impdirs) NONE
                              ViaJava ->
                                  codegenJava [] c f hdrs libs outty
                              ViaJavaScript ->
                                  codegenJavaScript JavaScript c f outty
                              ViaNode ->
                                  codegenJavaScript Node c f outty
                              ViaLLVM -> codegenLLVM c triple cpu optimize f outty
                              Bytecode -> dumpBC c f
            Error e -> ierror e
  where checkMVs = do i <- getIState
                      case map fst (idris_metavars i) \\ primDefs of
                            [] -> return ()
                            ms -> ifail $ "There are undefined metavariables: " ++ show ms
        inDir d h = do let f = d </> h
                       ex <- doesFileExist f
                       if ex then return f else return h
        mkObj f = f ++ " "
        mkLib l = "-l" ++ l ++ " "
        mkFlag l = l ++ " "

        incdir i = "-I" ++ i ++ " "

irMain :: TT Name -> Idris LDecl
irMain tm = do i <- ir tm
               return $ LFun [] (MN 0 "runMain") [] (LForce i)

mkDecls :: Term -> [Name] -> Idris [(Name, LDecl)]
mkDecls t used
    = do i <- getIState
         let ds = filter (\ (n, d) -> n `elem` used || isCon d) $ ctxtAlist (tt_ctxt i)
         mapM traceUnused used
         decls <- mapM build ds
         return decls

showCaseTrees :: [(Name, LDecl)] -> String
showCaseTrees ds = showSep "\n\n" (map showCT ds)
    showCT (n, LFun _ f args lexp)
       = show n ++ " " ++ showSep " " (map show args) ++ " =\n\t "
            ++ show lexp
    showCT (n, LConstructor c t a) = "data " ++ show n ++ " " ++ show a

isCon (TyDecl _ _) = True
isCon _ = False

class ToIR a where
    ir :: a -> Idris LExp

build :: (Name, Def) -> Idris (Name, LDecl)
build (n, d)
    = do i <- getIState
         case lookup n (idris_scprims i) of
              Just (ar, op) ->
                  let args = map (\x -> MN x "op") [0..] in
                      return (n, (LFun [] n (take ar args)
                                         (LOp op (map (LV . Glob) (take ar args)))))
              _ -> do def <- mkLDecl n d
                      logLvl 3 $ "Compiled " ++ show n ++ " =\n\t" ++ show def
                      return (n, def)

getPrim :: IState -> Name -> [LExp] -> Maybe LExp
getPrim i n args = case lookup n (idris_scprims i) of
                        Just (ar, op) ->
                           if (ar == length args)
                             then return (LOp op args)
                             else Nothing
                        _ -> Nothing

declArgs args inl n (LLam xs x) = declArgs (args ++ xs) inl n x
declArgs args inl n x = LFun (if inl then [Inline] else []) n args x

mkLDecl n (Function tm _) = do e <- ir tm
                               return (declArgs [] True n e)
mkLDecl n (CaseOp ci _ _ pats cd)
   = let (args, sc) = cases_runtime cd in
         do e <- ir (args, sc)
            return (declArgs [] (case_inlinable ci) n e)
mkLDecl n (TyDecl (DCon t a) _) = return $ LConstructor n t a
mkLDecl n (TyDecl (TCon t a) _) = return $ LConstructor n (-1) a
mkLDecl n _ = return (LFun [] n [] (LError ("Impossible declaration " ++ show n)))

instance ToIR (TT Name) where
    ir tm = ir' [] tm where
      ir' env tm@(App f a)
          | (P _ (UN "mkForeignPrim") _, args) <- unApply tm
              = doForeign env args
          | (P _ (UN "unsafePerformPrimIO") _, [_, arg]) <- unApply tm
              = ir' env arg
            -- TMP HACK - until we get inlining.
          | (P _ (UN "replace") _, [_, _, _, _, _, arg]) <- unApply tm
              = ir' env arg
          | (P _ (UN "lazy") _, [_, arg]) <- unApply tm
              = do arg' <- ir' env arg
                   return $ LLazyExp arg'
          | (P _ (UN "assert_smaller") _, [_, _, _, arg]) <- unApply tm
              = ir' env arg
          | (P _ (UN "par") _, [_, arg]) <- unApply tm
              = do arg' <- ir' env arg
                   return $ LOp LPar [LLazyExp arg']
          | (P _ (UN "prim_fork") _, [arg]) <- unApply tm
              = do arg' <- ir' env arg
                   return $ LOp LFork [LLazyExp arg']
--           | (P _ (UN "prim__IO") _, [v]) <- unApply tm
--               = do v' <- ir' env v
--                    return v'
--           | (P _ (UN "prim_io_bind") _, [_,_,v,Bind n (Lam _) sc]) <- unApply tm
--               = do v' <- ir' env v
--                    sc' <- ir' (n:env) sc
--                    return (LLet n (LForce v') sc')
--           | (P _ (UN "prim_io_bind") _, [_,_,v,k]) <- unApply tm
--               = do v' <- ir' env v
--                    k' <- ir' env k
--                    return (LApp False k' [LForce v'])
          | (P _ (UN "malloc") _, [_,size,t]) <- unApply tm
              = do size' <- ir' env size
                   t' <- ir' env t
                   return t' -- TODO $ malloc_ size' t'
          | (P _ (UN "trace_malloc") _, [_,t]) <- unApply tm
              = do t' <- ir' env t
                   return t' -- TODO
--           | (P _ (NS (UN "S") ["Nat", "Prelude"]) _, [k]) <- unApply tm
--               = do k' <- ir' env k
--                    return (LOp LBPlus [k', LConst (BI 1)])
          | (P (DCon t a) n _, args) <- unApply tm
              = irCon env t a n args
          | (P (TCon t a) n _, args) <- unApply tm
              = return LNothing
          | (P _ n _, args) <- unApply tm
              = do i <- getIState
                   args' <- mapM (ir' env) args
                   case getPrim i n args' of
                        Just tm -> return tm
                        _ -> do
                                 let collapse
                                        = case lookupCtxtExact n
                                                   (idris_optimisation i) of
                                               [oi] -> collapsible oi
                                               _ -> False
                                 let unused
                                        = case lookupCtxtExact n
                                                      (idris_callgraph i) of
                                               [CGInfo _ _ _ _ unusedpos] ->
                                               _ -> []
                                 if collapse
                                     then return LNothing
                                     else return (LApp False (LV (Glob n))
                                                 (mkUnused unused 0 args'))
          | (f, args) <- unApply tm
              = do f' <- ir' env f
                   args' <- mapM (ir' env) args
                   return (LApp False f' args')
        where mkUnused u i [] = []
              mkUnused u i (x : xs) | i `elem` u = LNothing : mkUnused u (i + 1) xs
                                    | otherwise = x : mkUnused u (i + 1) xs
--       ir' env (P _ (NS (UN "Z") ["Nat", "Prelude"]) _)
--                         = return $ LConst (BI 0)
      ir' env (P _ n _) = return $ LV (Glob n)
      ir' env (V i)     | i >= 0 && i < length env = return $ LV (Glob (env!!i))
                        | otherwise = ifail $ "IR fail " ++ show i ++ " " ++ show tm
      ir' env (Bind n (Lam _) sc)
          = do let n' = uniqueName n env
               sc' <- ir' (n' : env) sc
               return $ LLam [n'] sc'
      ir' env (Bind n (Let _ v) sc)
          = do sc' <- ir' (n : env) sc
               v' <- ir' env v
               return $ LLet n v' sc'
      ir' env (Bind _ _ _) = return $ LNothing
      ir' env (Proj t i) | i == -1
                             = do t' <- ir' env t
                                  return $ LOp (LMinus (ATInt ITBig)) 
                                               [t', LConst (BI 1)]
      ir' env (Proj t i) = do t' <- ir' env t
                              return $ LProj t' i
      ir' env (Constant c) = return $ LConst c
      ir' env (TType _) = return $ LNothing
      ir' env Erased = return $ LNothing
      ir' env Impossible = return $ LNothing
--       ir' env _ = return $ LError "Impossible"

      irCon env t arity n args
        | length args == arity = buildApp env (LV (Glob n)) args
        | otherwise = let extra = satArgs (arity - length args) in
                          do sc' <- irCon env t arity n
                                        (args ++ map (\n -> P Bound n undefined) extra)
                             return $ LLam extra sc'

      satArgs n = map (\i -> MN i "sat") [1..n]

      buildApp env e [] = return e
      buildApp env e xs = do xs' <- mapM (ir' env) xs
                             return $ LApp False e xs'

      doForeign :: [Name] -> [TT Name] -> Idris LExp
      doForeign env (_ : fgn : args)
         | (_, (Constant (Str fgnName) : fgnArgTys : ret : [])) <- unApply fgn
              = let maybeTys = getFTypes fgnArgTys
                    rty = mkIty' ret in
                case maybeTys of
                  Nothing -> ifail $ "Foreign type specification is not a constant list: " ++ show (fgn:args)
                  Just tys -> do
                    args' <- mapM (ir' env) (init args)
                    -- wrap it in a prim__IO
                    -- return $ con_ 0 @@ impossible @@
                    return $ -- LLazyExp $
                      LForeign LANG_C rty fgnName (zip tys args')
         | otherwise = ifail "Badly formed foreign function call"

getFTypes :: TT Name -> Maybe [FType]
getFTypes tm = case unApply tm of
                 (nil, []) -> Just []
                 (cons, [ty, xs]) ->
                     fmap (mkIty' ty :) (getFTypes xs)
                 _ -> Nothing

mkIty' (P _ (UN ty) _) = mkIty ty
mkIty' (App (P _ (UN "FIntT") _) (P _ (UN intTy) _)) = mkIntIty intTy
mkIty' (App (App (P _ (UN "FFunction") _) _) (App (P _ (UN "FAny") _) (App (P _ (UN "IO") _) _))) = FFunctionIO
mkIty' (App (App (P _ (UN "FFunction") _) _) _) = FFunction
mkIty' _ = FAny

-- would be better if these FInt types were evaluated at compile time
-- TODO: add %eval directive for such things

mkIty "FFloat"      = FArith ATFloat
mkIty "FInt"        = mkIntIty "ITNative"
mkIty "FChar"       = mkIntIty "ITChar"
mkIty "FByte"       = mkIntIty "IT8"
mkIty "FShort"      = mkIntIty "IT16"
mkIty "FLong"       = mkIntIty "IT64"
mkIty "FBits8"      = mkIntIty "IT8"
mkIty "FBits16"     = mkIntIty "IT16"
mkIty "FBits32"     = mkIntIty "IT32"
mkIty "FBits64"     = mkIntIty "IT64"
mkIty "FString"     = FString
mkIty "FPtr"        = FPtr
mkIty "FUnit"       = FUnit
mkIty "FFunction"   = FFunction
mkIty "FFunctionIO" = FFunctionIO
mkIty "FBits8x16"   = FArith (ATInt (ITVec IT8 16))
mkIty "FBits16x8"   = FArith (ATInt (ITVec IT16 8))
mkIty "FBits32x4"   = FArith (ATInt (ITVec IT32 4))
mkIty "FBits64x2"   = FArith (ATInt (ITVec IT64 2))
mkIty x             = error $ "Unknown type " ++ x

mkIntIty "ITNative" = FArith (ATInt ITNative)
mkIntIty "ITChar" = FArith (ATInt ITChar)
mkIntIty "IT8"  = FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT8))
mkIntIty "IT16" = FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT16))
mkIntIty "IT32" = FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT32))
mkIntIty "IT64" = FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT64))

zname = NS (UN "Z") ["Nat","Prelude"]
sname = NS (UN "S") ["Nat","Prelude"]

instance ToIR ([Name], SC) where
    ir (args, tree) = do logLvl 3 $ "Compiling " ++ show args ++ "\n" ++ show tree
                         tree' <- ir tree
                         return $ LLam args tree'

instance ToIR SC where
    ir t = ir' t where

        ir' (STerm t) = ir t
        ir' (UnmatchedCase str) = return $ LError str
        ir' (ProjCase tm alts) = do tm' <- ir tm
                                    alts' <- mapM (mkIRAlt tm') alts
                                    return $ LCase tm' alts'
        ir' (Case n alts) = do alts' <- mapM (mkIRAlt (LV (Glob n))) alts
                               return $ LCase (LV (Glob n)) alts'
        ir' ImpossibleCase = return LNothing

        -- special cases for Z and S
        -- Needs rethink: projections make this fail
--         mkIRAlt n (ConCase z _ [] rhs) | z == zname
--              = mkIRAlt n (ConstCase (BI 0) rhs)
--         mkIRAlt n (ConCase s _ [arg] rhs) | s == sname
--              = do n' <- ir n
--                   rhs' <- ir rhs
--                   return $ LDefaultCase
--                               (LLet arg (LOp LBMinus [n', LConst (BI 1)])
--                                           rhs')
        mkIRAlt _ (ConCase n t args rhs)
             = do rhs' <- ir rhs
                  return $ LConCase (-1) n args rhs'
        mkIRAlt _ (ConstCase x rhs)
          | matchable x
             = do rhs' <- ir rhs
                  return $ LConstCase x rhs'
          | matchableTy x
             = do rhs' <- ir rhs
                  return $ LDefaultCase rhs'
        mkIRAlt tm (SucCase n rhs)
           = do rhs' <- ir rhs
                return $ LDefaultCase (LLet n (LOp (LMinus (ATInt ITBig))
                                                  LConst (BI 1)]) rhs')
--                 return $ LSucCase n rhs'
        mkIRAlt _ (ConstCase c rhs)
           = ifail $ "Can't match on (" ++ show c ++ ")"
        mkIRAlt _ (DefaultCase rhs)
           = do rhs' <- ir rhs
                return $ LDefaultCase rhs'

        matchable (I _) = True
        matchable (BI _) = True
        matchable (Ch _) = True
        matchable (Str _) = True
        matchable _ = False

        matchableTy (AType (ATInt ITNative)) = True
        matchableTy (AType (ATInt ITBig)) = True
        matchableTy (AType (ATInt ITChar)) = True
        matchableTy StrType = True

        matchableTy (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT8)))  = True
        matchableTy (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT16))) = True
        matchableTy (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT32))) = True
        matchableTy (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT64))) = True

        matchableTy _ = False